Stéphane Avenard


Unit Production Manager
A French journalist meets Salvador Dali several times for a documentary project.
A Zone to Defend
Unit Production Manager
Greg is a police lieutenant; he must collect informations on eco-activists, infiltrating them for months. Myriam, a young free woman, is fighting to save a forest from the building of a dam. They meet and fall in love on the Zone. A beautiful life, a joy that Greg discovers, despite the risks of being unmasked. For each of them, time is short: soon everything will disappear.
Smoking Causes Coughing
Unit Production Manager
After a devastating battle against a diabolical turtle, a team of five avengers – known as the "Tobacco Force" - is sent on a mandatory retreat to strengthen their decaying group cohesion. Their sojourn goes wonderfully well until Lézardin, Emperor of Evil, decides to annihilate planet Earth.
Crónica de un amor efímero
Location Manager
Una madre soltera y un hombre casado se vuelven amantes. Están comprometidos a verse solo por una aventura y no a encontrar ninguna esperanza de amor, sabiendo muy bien que la relación no tiene futuro. Sin embargo, cada vez se sorprenden más por su comprensión, su complicidad y el bienestar que experimentan juntos.
Increíble pero cierto
Unit Production Manager
Conseguir vivienda hoy en día es una auténtica odisea; quizá por esto, Alain y Marie no dudan en comprar una casa que lo tiene todo, incluso un sótano con extrañas propiedades. Poco a poco, Marie se irá haciendo adicta a adentrarse en la planta baja de su nuevo hogar, mientras la pareja se debate entre compartir o mantener el secreto del lugar con sus nuevos vecinos.
The Seventh Continent
Production Design
Thybald asks Émile, a peculiar detective, to find Claire, his missing girlfriend, allegedly kidnapped. In the course of his investigation, Émile finds something more.
L'appel du 18 juin
Assistant Unit Manager