La historia tiene lugar en la aldea turca de Mardin en 1915: en una noche en la que la policía turca está atrapando a todo hombre armenio, el joven herrero Nazaret es separado de su familia. Años después, tras sobrevivir al horror del genocidio, recibe noticias de que sus hijas gemelas también están vivas. Obsesionado con la idea de encontrarlas, sigue el camino que, ojalá, desemboque en un reencuentro.
Makeup Artist
Twenty Four year-old Corsican refugee Napoleon Bonaparte is a lowly artillery captain in the French army at the siege of Toulon. Destitute and relying on his success in the new and dangerous revolutionary society, his mother and siblings become embroiled in Napoleon's struggle. The opponents are the English but the enemy are the revolutionaries authorities who seek to keep him in his place. Using his astonishing tactical mind, his sheer audacity and extraordinary military bravery, Napoleon emerges victorious and sets out on a path that would one day lead him to the throne of France.