Jay Ryan

Jay Ryan

Nacimiento : 1981-08-29, Auckland, New Zealand


Jay Ryan is a film and television actor from New Zealand, best known for playing lead character Vincent Keller in the television series "Beauty & the Beast".


Jay Ryan
Jay Ryan
Jay Ryan
Jay Ryan
Jay Ryan
Jay Ryan
Jay Ryan


Inspired by actual events, MURU is the story of a local Police Sergeant 'Taffy' Tawharau (Cliff Curtis), who must choose between his badge and his people, when the Government launches an armed raid through his Ruatoki community, on a school day.
Together Forever Tea
Matt Slater
Marketing whiz Lara Thompson is living a fast-paced life in the big city when she's summoned to the sleepy town of Kissing Falls to settle the affairs of her late Aunt Vivienne who owned a tea shop. Lara originally plans to sell the shop quickly, but switches course to fulfill her aunt's last wish - to have one of her teas awarded by the prestigious International Council of Tea Sommeliers. With the help of handsome local flower expert Matt, Lara sets out to recreate a long lost "love potion" tea. One problem - the tea's secret ingredient is the extinct Kissing Falls rose. As Lara and Matt work together, she finds herself not only falling for Matt but for the town itself.
The Furnace
Sergeant Shaw
Para escapar del interior, un joven camellero afgano se encuentra con un misterioso bosquimano que huye con el oro Crown robado.
The Summers of IT: Chapter Two
This documentary focuses on the actors and their journey over two summers to create the remake to the original IT, by Stephen King. The documentary originally released as bonus material, bundled with IT: Chapter Two.
The Summers of IT: Chapter One
This documentary focuses on the actors and their journey over two summers to create the remake to the original IT, by Stephen King. The documentary originally released as bonus material, bundled with IT: Chapter Two.
It: Capítulo 2
Ben Hanscom
Han pasado casi 30 años desde que el "Club de los Perdedores", formado por Bill, Beverly, Richie, Ben, Eddie, Mike y Stanley, se enfrentaran al macabro y despiadado Pennywise (Bill Skarsgård). En cuanto tuvieron oportunidad, abandonaron el pueblo de Derry, en el estado de Maine, que tantos problemas les había ocasionado. Sin embargo, ahora, siendo adultos, parece que no pueden escapar de su pasado. Todos deberán enfrentarse de nuevo al temible payaso para descubrir si de verdad están preparados para superar sus traumas de la infancia.
La pequeña Lou ve su vida cambiar cuando su padre la abandona, a ella, sus hermanas y su madre. Se siente perdida y traicionada, con el corazón partido se envuelve en una coraza para protegerse y no sufrir más. El abuelo Doyle, se mudará a una casa cercana a la suya, es entonces cuando todo cambia otra vez, el anciano padece Alzheimer y consigo llega el caos a su hogar. Doyle confunde a la niña con su difunta esposa, y la llena de atenciones para ganarse su afecto, la niña descubre así lo que significa ser amada.
Franswa Sharl
Keeping the position of number one son requires a certain amount of ingenuity. Twelve year old Greg has inherited his father's competitive streak. On a family holiday to Fiji they have different ideas about where Greg should focus his talents. When his creative pursuits fail to amuse his father Greg goes to bizarre lengths to win him back.
¡Cuidado con los deseos!
Alex está cansado de tener que aguantar a su hermano pequeño Stevie, por lo que un día, con la ayuda de una moneda mágica, desea con todas sus fuerzas que Stevie desaparezca. Pero lo que empieza como una broma de niños se acaba convirtiendo en realidad. Stevie desaparece y Alex no sólo se convierte en hijo único sino que acaba siendo el chico más popular de la escuela. Pronto Alex se da cuenta que no puede vivir sin Stevie y, arrepentido, hará lo posible por hacerlo volver. Adaptación de la novela infantil "If I Had One Wish" de Jackie French Koller
A firefighter pilot blames himself for the death of his previous colleagues and gets a new assignment with a raging forest fire in Portland, Oregon, that has the whole city in jeopardy.