Yang Ke, a Beijing Opera actor, is fatefully driven into the underworld of masculine sex workers, and becomes a class of his own. He finds himself on a roller coaster between heavenly love with both men and women, and a living hell ensnared by devious villains and hypocrites. Despite his faith, endeavor and willingness to give, he remains a prisoner to his karma. Hell awaits when heaven seems near, and the ultimate truth is revealed only in a heartbreaking moment from which there is no return.
Yang Ke, a Beijing Opera actor, is fatefully driven into the underworld of masculine sex workers, and becomes a class of his own. He finds himself on a roller coaster between heavenly love with both men and women, and a living hell ensnared by devious villains and hypocrites. Despite his faith, endeavor and willingness to give, he remains a prisoner to his karma. Hell awaits when heaven seems near, and the ultimate truth is revealed only in a heartbreaking moment from which there is no return.
Assistant Hairstylist
La División, una agencia gubernamental clandestina, tiene un oscuro fin: alterar genéticamente a personas normales para convertirlas en soldados con poderes psíquicos. Aquellos que no quieren participar o que están en contra, son eliminados. Nick Gant lleva escondiéndose de la División desde que, siendo un niño, asesinaron a su padre. Nick ha heredado sus poderes telequinéticos. Oculto en Hong Kong se siente seguro, pero se verá forzado a salir de su escondite cuando se cruce en su camino Cassie, una chica de 13 años que puede ver el futuro. Cassie le pide ayuda para encontrar a Kira, una joven que tiene la más poderosa de las habilidades psíquicas desarrollados por la División: puede implantar pensamientos en las mentes de los demás. Kira tiene la clave para acabar con la División, y Nick y Cassie tienen que encontrarla antes que ellos.
Assistant Hairstylist
Daichi Harashima plays a kid fed on genetically engineered food produced by a company called "Superkid", thus having far higher IQ than kids of his age while suffering from mania.