Dirk Roofthooft

Dirk Roofthooft

Nacimiento : 1959-01-01, Antwerp, Belgium


Dirk Roofthooft
Dirk Roofthooft


Herman Goossens
It's 1997. Frank Verstraeten, a computer genius with a nose for business, a fascination for nightlife and an unhealthy urge to prove himself, only wants one thing: his own disco that not only outperforms the competition but simply humiliates it. The futuristic mega discotheque Zillion is a fact and Frank turns from computer dealer to the pivotal figure of the Antwerp nightlife. He parades with the most beautiful women in Belgium and forges an alliance with Dennis Black Magic, the porn king who provides the spicy extras. Unfortunately, beautiful songs don't last long either.
Cruise Control
Life does not go well the last couple of years for film director Serge Gabriëls. Since the day he chose his career above the woman of his life, things kept going downhill. When a bailiff was sent to declare his production company bankrupt, he lost all hope and perspective. Fortunately at that crucial moment he received the one phone call he has been waiting for his whole life. Out of the blue, Serge is offered the opportunity to realize the dream of his lifetime: to shoot a real love story.
Paul Coussement
Dos años después de la trágica pérdida de su hermano mayor, Daan, de 17 años, sigue de mala gana cuando su afligida familia decide dar refugio a una adolescente sin hogar llamada Radja. Pero cuando Daan es testigo de cómo la presencia de este extraño afecta profundamente a su madre, comienza a desentrañar el misterioso pasado de Radja.
Heer & Meester: De Film
Reinhard Boden
Those Who Work
Frank, el antihéroe de esta historia, en muchos sentidos trágico pero ante todo extremadamente real, se camufla a la perfección en esta decoración de belleza impersonal. Su vida está consagrada únicamente al trabajo. Cada uno de sus gestos está escrupulosamente programado, marcado por una rutina que se convierte en una obsesión. En su vida no hay lugar para la improvisación ni la imaginación; a sus ojos solo el materialismo y una adicción al trabajo masoquista merecen su respeto.
Primer ministro
El Primer ministro belga es secuestrado, junto a su mujer y sus hijos, justo unos minutos antes de comenzar una importante visita diplomática del presidente de Estados Unidos. La condición de los secuestradores es clara y contundente: la única forma de salvar su propia vida y la de su familia será asesinar al presidente estadounidense aprovechando el inminente encuentro. Sin tiempo de reacción, y sin posibilidad de acudir al Servicio Secreto, tiene que decidir entre la vida de su familia, la de su invitado y su deber como Primer ministro
Bruno Grégoire
Sarah Grégoire is a young and enthusiastic art restorer who discovers that famous paintings are being replaced by replicas.
El caso Heineken
Pa Holleeder
Historia del conocido como secuestro más famoso del siglo: en 1983, el magnate de la cerveza Alfred Henry Heineken es secuestrado, junto con su chófer, por una banda que exige 50 millones de dólares por su libertad.
The Storm
Julia's father
Una terrible tormenta en Zelanda causa en 1953 la ruptura de los diques que protegen estas tierras de los embates del mar. Julia, una madre soltera que vive en la granja de sus padres, queda atrapada en mitad de una inundación que afecta a toda la región del sur de los Países Bajos. A pesar de que su joven vecino Aldo consigue rescatarla la mujer está desconsolada ya que su bebé quedó atrapado en una caja de madera en el ático de la casa. Cuando vuelven a la zona del desastre descubren que el niño ha desaparecido. Las posibilidades de que su hijo siga vivo son mínimas, pero Julia está convencida de que su hijo vive y comienza su búsqueda en compañía de Aldo (FILMAFFINITY).
Mannelijke ondervrager
Loft nos cuenta la historia de cinco hombres que comparten en secreto un apartamento donde poder escaparse con sus amantes, donde relajarse o simplemente evadirse de la rutina. Cuando aparece el cuerpo de una mujer desconocida asesinada en el apartamento, empezará un juego de sospechas entre ellos para descubrir quién es el culpable.
Banquete de boda
Roger Janssen
Para Sophie, la novia, y Mark, el novio, las palabras «Hasta que la muerte nos separe» adquieren un significado amenazador el día de su boda. Hermann, el engreído padre de Mark, tiene un mal día y se enzarza en una bronca a causa del aperitivo con Franz, chef de alta cocina que tiene problemas financieros y en cuya elegante posada campestre va a celebrarse el banquete. Sin prisa pero sin pausa la fiesta empieza a descontrolarse.
The Dark Diamond
La memoria del asesino
Vader Cuypers
De resultas del asesinato de un importante funcionario público, el departamento de policía de Amberes comisionó a dos de sus mejores investigadores criminalistas para investigar el caso: Vincke y Verstuyft. Las pistas conducen al sicario Angelo Ledda. A Ledda, que experimenta síntomas del alzheimer, le resulta cada vez más difícil ejecutar los encargos.Cuando se da cuenta de que está siendo utilizado en una lucha por el poder político, decide morder la mano que le da de comer. A Vincke y Verstuyft les cuesta mucho desenmarañar la trama de intrigas, redes e intereses creados para poder evitar que se cometan más crímenes.
The Warriors of Beauty
The film is a labyrinth with multiple entrances, where an unlikely Ariane in wedding gown guides and misleads the viewer in a strange world marked by metamorphosis, multiple personalities, conflicting drives, parody, ritual, surreality.
Any Way the Wind Blows
Antwerp, at the beginning of June. On a sunny Friday, eight people dream of having a different life. There's wind and music, police and paranoia, gossip and fighting. There's an old virus, an astrayed frisbee, a dead horse, and a mysterious person called Windman. In the evening there's a party …
A sea faring father, a man living on the edge of mental sanity, periodically sees his young son. During the visits, the father tells the boy stories, exotic as well as close to home, about Magonia. This is a mythical place where clouds represent impossible dreams and unfulfilled desires. But the characters in this imaginary place all curiously resemble people now living near the father.
Olivetti 82
A man with bloody hands is arrested as prime suspect in a murder case. He does not understand why and refuses to cooperate. Bernard Van de Wiele, the suspect, is a writer. One of the police inspectors comes up with the idea to give him a typewriter: an Olivetti 82. The interrogators hope that this way he will agree to share his story. Bernard begins his memoir: a long search for love and protection. Little by little the truth comes to light.
No llores Germaine
Las cosas no le han ido bien a Germaine; su hija mayor ha muerto y su familia se desmorona. Germaine quiere dejar Bruselas y volver a su casa en los Pirineos para empezar de nuevo. Gilles, su marido, no quiere oír hablar de cambios pero, al saber que el posible asesino de su hija puede estar allí, decide emprender el viaje...
Molokai. La historia del padre Damián
Father Conrardy
Narra la historia del padre Damián, un sacerdote católico belga que, en 1873, llegó como voluntario a la isla de Molokai, en Hawái, donde consagró su vida al cuidado y consuelo de los leprosos allí confinados
Frans Laarmans temporarily abandons his job as an office worker to become a salesman for a big cheese company.
Bernard Vermarcke
In a juvenile lockup, a new ward answers questions: she's Rosie, 13, no parents, a sister Irene, a brother Michel. In flashbacks we find out what happened. She lives with Irene, who's 27, whom Rosie knows is in fact her mother, but that's their secret. Irene's brother Michel, unemployed, a compulsive gambler, comes to stay with them. Around then, Irene meets Bernard; they come to care for each other. This leaves Rosie without attention, so she puts all her adolescent hopes and romantic fantasies into a relationship with Jimi, a good looking kid she sees on a bus. Is it adventures with Jimi that land her in juvie? Once she's there, why doesn't he answer her letters?
Hombres complicados
Roger DeClerq
A businessman gets in serious financial troubles. When his mother dies, he thinks he's saved, but she only leaves 50.000 francs (1.500 USD). His brother Bruno, a customs officer, wants to use the money for her funeral, but our businessman prefers to use it to shake off his attackers. He promises them they will get through customs without problems with a certain package... Now his only problem is to convince Bruno...
Het paradijs
Tragicomic gangster drama about a young man who robs a gas station and takes the place of the attendant during one night, with the intention to take off to paradise with the money.
The Sugar Bowl
Vader (Father)
A short look into the life of a loving girl with an abusive mother and a father who stands by during his wife's frequent fits of violence.
The Stowaway
Orazbaz, who lives in Uzbek, longs to leave his tiny fishing village. He becomes a stowaway on a ship thinking that he will end up in Manhattan. Instead he ends up in Rotterdam and is taken in by a lonely woman, but he is eventually betrayed by her jealous husband.
Suite 16
After an argument and fight with a wealthy one night stand in a posh hotel, young hustler Chris finds himself trapped inside. With nowhere to go and the cops closing in on the hotel fast, he wanders into "Suite 16" in a fit of despair. Inside, a handicapped and wheelchair bound Glover is held captive for the evening once discovered by Chris. However, things change the next day when Glover informs Chris that the woman he slept with is now dead; and that he surely will be sought out for her murder. Lonely and bored, Glover offers to shelter Chris for awhile while the cuts and bruises from the previous nights escapades have time to heal.
The End of the Journey
Youth playing foosball in the pub
A 40-year-old mother struggles to deal with the anxiety of growing older after her eldest daughter moves out and the youngest distances herself.
Liam has a terrible childhood, is neglected and abused. He grows up being an adolescent with dark thoughts and actions. As a defence mechanism he shits himself. Because of his home situation, the Social Service places him in a closed institution, away from his parents, where he meets the supervisor Paulien. She seems to influence him positively. When Liam is raped in the institution, he no longer sees a way out and reckons his past in a sinister manner.
Wilfried Wils is an auxiliary policeman in Antwerp at the start of the Second World War. The city is in the grip of violence and distrust. Wilfried does what he can for himself, avoiding paths that are too slippery. He receives attention and material support from a man who has sided with the German occupier, Meanbeard, but he also enjoys the confidence of his anti-Nazi colleague Lode, brother to Wilfried’s love Yvette. Wilfried struggles to survive as the persecution of the Jews proceeds unabated.