Yoon Ga-hyun

Yoon Ga-hyun

Nacimiento : , South Korea


Yoon Ga-hyun


Inn Owner
Hyun-ah is listed on top ten of TV audition program with talented voice and attractive appearance. The reason why she is in this show is to be shown to her mom, Jang-mi, who has been separated for over 10years. Jang-mi used to be a potential singer long time ago but had to give up her dream due to her responsibility she had to take at that time. They had lived together happily even in poverty until something happened bringing their parting.
Feng Shui
Park Jae-sang, un geomántico real, ayuda a la gente a designar un sitio propicio para casas, tiendas e incluso tumbas bajo la creencia de que una tumba en un buen sitio traerá futura fortuna para los descendientes. Este perderá a su familia al exponer una conspiración sobre la tumba del Príncipe Heredero, pero planeará venganza, aunque esto le hará darse cuenta de que hay una conspiración mucho más grande detrás.
Twenty Again
A female eye doctor and a male film director run into each other on the airplane to Milan. The two were lovers in the past, and are now in their middle ages. After their chance encounter in Torino, they travel around Tuscany together, appreciating the works of Caravaggio. They begin to notice they are hiding their own wounds from each other. In Korea, he goes to her eye clinic, and they confess love to each other for the first time. In the end, they go their separate ways.
Pure Love
San-dol's Mother
La película se centra en diferentes personas recordando sus primeras historias de amor mientras escuchan las historias de amor de otros en la radio. Durante una emisión en directo, un DJ recibe una carta que comparte historias de hace 23 años de un pueblo pesquero. En una de esas historias un chico inocente se enamora de una chica que tiene muchas cicatrices emocionales.
Toema: Munyeokul
female shaman
Jin Myung es un psiquiatra y exorcista. Con ayuda de su asistenteJi Kwang intentan el exorcismo de Geum Joo . Ella sufre de un fenómeno bizarro. Ellos se ven enfrentados a una poderosa presencia que no es Geum Joo. Un horror extremo se desprende de ella.
Grilled Clam Restaurant Owner
A story about three friends who just turned twenty; an age where you can do whatever you want, love whoever you want with opportunities abroad.
Small Restaurant Owner
Los intentos de un barco pesquero por transportar inmigrantes ilegales terminan en una catástrofe que llevará a la tripulación a la locura.
The Cat
Bi-dan's Mother
So-hee trabaja en una tienda de mascotas, después de que el dueño de un gato muera en circunstancias extrañas esta se queda con él. A partir de aquí empieza su pesadilla, So-hee es constantemente perseguida por una chica de pelo corto y con ojos verdes de gato que convierte su vida se convierte en un caos, viendo como la gente de su alrededor muere misteriosamente.
My Dear Desperado
woman looking for house
Dong-chul, a thug who cannot fight but acts like a tough guy, meets Han Se-jin, his new neighbor. Dong-chul is intrigued by her spitfire personality, and the bickering duo realize they may be perfect for each other.
Punch Lady
woman in front of TV
Ha-eun, an ordinary housewife who has endured her husband's violence for 13 years, challenges her husband, who is a mixed martial arts champion, to a duel in the ring.
Groom's Sister
A young writer can't write a word for his next novel, he also doesn't feel right with his fiancée; because he falls in love with a woman, but he can't remember who she is and can't figure out if she's real or just a dream.
#53 owner
For local pharmacist In-ku, marriage has always been the lowest priority because of his need to take care of his mentally-ill brother. In his life comes along Hye-ran, an imitation clothing designer, who leads a hard life as she tries to repay the debts left by her father. A chance encounter allows them to recognize what they have been missing, and to find solace in each other. However, as their love grows, so do each of their burdens.
Mistress (uncredited)
Detective Nam-soon goes undercover with her partner Detective Ahn to investigate the counterfeit money. She discovers that one loyal henchman, Sad Eyes, a beautiful swordsman with a pale, blank face, is related to the truth. Nam-soon and Sad Eyes confront each other in a series of duels and become confused between love and obligation to duty.
Mi madre, la sirena
Diver 2
Jin-Guk es un cartero rural. Pronto conocerá a Yon-Sun una mujer que vive sola en una casita al lado de un acantilado. Ésta parece sufrir unos ataques que le hacen delirar. Mientras que toda la población la tiene como un "bicho raro" al protagonista le parecerá encantadora, una mujer que vive en su propio mundo de fantasía.
Memories of Murder (Crónica de un asesino en serie)
Corea del Sur, 1986. Una joven aparece brutalmente violada y asesinada. Dos meses después, se producen una serie de violaciones y asesinatos en circunstancias similares. Para buscar al asesino, se organiza un destacamento especial, encabezado por un detective de la policía local (Park Doo-man) y un detective de la policía de Seúl (Seo Tae-yoon), que ha solicitado ser asignado al caso.
Han Sang-sik's Wife
Historia de amor entre un hombre que acaba de salir de la cárcel y una mujer que sufre de una parálisis cerebral. Aclamado film ganador de numerosos premios en festivales. (FILMAFFINITY)