Sandie Viquez Pedlow


Niños de Las Brisas
Executive Producer
In Venezuela, amidst a backdrop of poverty, murder, and corruption, the El Sistema youth orchestra offers children hope and the opportunity to pursue a life of art in spite of the harshness of the society around them. Yet the country’s spiraling collapse and political repression threatens the musicians’ dreams of a better life.
Through the Night
Executive Producer
When one’s sole focus is to provide for their children, the stakes are extremely high. The need for multiple jobs to make ends meet has become a common reality for many families in this country, which leads to a very important question: who looks after the children while their parents work? Through the Night examines the economic and emotional toll affecting some American families, told through the lens of a 24-hour daycare center in Westchester, New York. At the center of it all is Nunu, the primary caregiver and a hero to many families in need of a safe space to bring their children.
Executive Producer
En 1937, decenas de miles de haitianos y dominicanos de ascendencia haitiana fueron exterminados por el ejército dominicano, basándose en el odio contra los negros fomentado por el gobierno dominicano. En 2013, la Suprema Corte de la República Dominicana despojó de la ciudadanía a cualquier persona con padres haitianos. El fallo dejó a más de 200.000 personas apátridas. Una joven abogada llamada Rosa Iris monta una campaña, desafiando la corrupción electoral y abogando por la justicia social.
Los Hermanos/The Brothers
Executive Producer
Virtuoso Afro-Cuban-born brothers—violinist Ilmar and pianist Aldo—live on opposite sides of a geopolitical chasm a half-century wide. Tracking their parallel lives in New York and Havana, their poignant reunion, and their momentous first performances together, Los Hermanos/The Brothers suggests what is possible when walls come down, and borders are crossed. A nuanced, intensely moving view of nations long estranged, through the lens of music and family. Featuring an electrifying, genre-bending score composed by Cuban Aldo López-Gavilán, performed with his American brother, Ilmar, with a guest appearance by violin maestro Joshua Bell and the Harlem Quartet.
Executive Producer
Teenage Latina sisters break their grandmother out of her assisted living facility for one last joyride.
The First Rainbow Coalition
Executive Producer
Chicago 1969: Activists from the Black Panthers, Young Lords, and Young Patriots united African Americans, Latinos, and poor whites to confront police brutality and unfair housing practices in one of America’s most segregated cities. A timely story of collective action, The First Rainbow Coalition tells this little-known chronicle of political struggle with insight and urgency using archival footage and interviews with those who lived it.
Raúl Juliá: The World’s a Stage
Executive Producer
Raúl Juliá: The World's a Stage es un retrato revelador del viaje del carismático e innovador actor desde su Puerto Rico natal hasta el semillero creativo de la ciudad de Nueva York de los sesenta y la prominencia en Broadway y Hollywood. Dirigida por Ben DeJesus, la película traza el viaje personal y profesional de Raúl, mostrando sus innovadoras actuaciones y su activismo humanitario. Antes de que la diversidad y la inclusión fueran parte de la conversación nacional, Raúl con su personalidad magnética y su carismático talento pudo acumular un cuerpo variado de trabajo atemporal que ayudó a allanar el camino para muchos actores latinos de hoy.
El silencio de otros
Executive Producer
‘El Silencio de Otros’ revela la lucha silenciada de las víctimas del régimen franquista, que continúan buscando justicia hasta nuestros días. Filmada a lo largo de seis años, con un estilo de cine directo e intimista, la película acompaña a víctimas y supervivientes del régimen a medida que organizan la denominada “Querella Argentina” y confrontan un “pacto del olvido” sobre los crímenes que padecieron.
Ode to Pablo
Executive Producer
Pablo and one of the boys, who first taunted and teased him, strike up an unlikely rapport over Pablo’s headphones. Their brief encounter quickly gets complicated. Ode to Pablo is a rare glimpse into the world of a queer, deaf Latino who’s learned to deal with bigoted preconceptions about who he is.
When It's Good, It's Good
Executive Producer
When she returns to rural West Texas to document the effects of the boom-and-bust nature of the oil industry on her hometown, filmmaker Alejandra Vasquez unexpectedly captures the political transformation that takes place in her family over five years and two election cycles. An intimate portrait of place, of family and memory, of politics and economy, “When It’s Good, It’s Good,” centers around life in an oil-town called Denver City, Texas.