Erika Unruh


The actress Erika Unruh took part in her first movies in 1919 with "Der Herr der Liebe" and "Maria Evere". In the 20s followed other silent movies like "Kötendes Schweigen", "Kampfende Herzen", "Vier um die Frau", Fritz Lang's "Dertired Tod", "Errende Seelen" and "The Man in the Background". Her first and only sound film came in 1930 into being with "The Stolen Face".


The man in the background
The guests at Count Otto von Trepow's East Prussian estate Gross-Ehrenfeld are Lord and Lady Ruthven, Mr Hendriks with his wife and foster-daughter Mariska, a gypsy they adopted years ago, Kundry, the fiancée of Otto's son Bernhard, and Count Stanislaus Larinski, who claims to be a Polish revolutionary wanted by the Russian government. A boating trip is organized but ends when the motor breaks down. While waiting for it to be repaired, the guests go to an inn run by Andreas and his daughter Käthe. Hendriks goes for a walk, sees the boat come back and that a man with a bent back leaves it. He notices that Kundry is afraid of Bernhard.
Wandering Souls
Gawrils Schwester Warwara
La muerte cansada
Dos jóvenes enamorados viajan en diligencia y, de repente, se une a los viajeros un misterioso desconocido. El vehículo se detiene en una posada, y el desconocido desaparece con el joven. La muchacha busca desesperadamente a su novio y, cuando descubre que es la Muerte quien se lo ha llevado, le implora que se lo devuelva. La Muerte le muestra tres velas (vidas) a punto de extinguirse y le explica que sólo podrá recuperarlo si logra salvar alguna de ellas.
Corazones en lucha
Harry Yquem compra joyas para su amada esposa en un lugar donde los intermediarios del hampa comercian con productos falsificados y robados. Por casualidad, descubre a un hombre con el que su mujer tuvo una aventura en el pasado.
Die Ehe der Frau Mary
Plot unknown
Master of Love
A man's devotion for a woman brings about his ruin.