Robert James-Collier

Robert James-Collier

Nacimiento : 1976-09-23, Stockport, Greater Manchester, UK


Robert James-Collier (born 23 September 1976) is a British actor and model. He is known for his role on Coronation Street.


Robert James-Collier


Downton Abbey: Una nueva era
Thomas Barrow
Lord y Lady Grantham anuncian que están encantados de volver a contar con la grata compañía de los amantes del cine en su mansión de Yorkshire estas próximas navidades 2021 en esta secuela de la adaptación cinematográfica de la popular serie.
Downton Abbey: La película
Thomas Barrow
La familia Crawley y sus sirvientes se preparan para el momento más importante de sus vidas, la llegada del rey Jorge V y la reina María. Sin embargo, la visita de los reyes de Inglaterra pronto desencadena escándalos, romances e intrigas.
The Fight
Tina lives in a quiet seaside town but her life is anything but quiet - her mother is threatening to leave her father, her daughter is being bullied and she and her husband Mick are juggling full time jobs and three children. Determined to ditch the dysfunction and beat her inner demons, Tina puts on her fighting gloves - literally, stepping into the boxing ring to sweat out her anxieties and punch up her self-worth. But does she have what it takes to get her family off the ropes and emerge victorious?
El ritual
Un grupo de amigos de la universidad se reúnen para emprender un viaje de senderismo por los montes de Suecia, con la finalidad de rendir homenaje a uno de ellos, muerto de forma violenta. Cuando se internan en el bosque, una presencia amenazante empieza a acosarles.
The Attendant
The story of a hapless and hopeless romantic, who has worked the graveyard shift of an isolated petrol station longer than he cares to remember. In the early hours, as he readies himself to embark on another flight of fancy, a customer appears at the window who might just change his life forever.
A Christmas Star
Pat McKerrod
Nacida bajo la Estrella de Navidad, Noelle cree que tiene el don de realizar milagros, por lo que cuando la intrusa del desarrollador McKerrod amenaza su vida pacífica, ella y sus amigos deciden usar este regalo para frustrar sus planes y salvar su aldea.
Wayland's Song
Wayland returns home after being badly injured in the war in Afghanistan, the legacy of his injuries are epileptic seizures. To compound his sense of isolation his daughter has vanished without a trace. He is determined to find her. His investigation uncovers a dark, sinister world where nothing is quite what it seems. His quest becomes not only about finding her but also about discovering who and what he has become. Wayland is looking for something he left behind in the killing fields of Helmand Provence, his humanity and his soul. Waylands Song is an adaptation of the classic Northern European parable. Wayland is crippled by his masters so he can never take flight and escape for which he takes a bloody and violent revenge.
Spike Island
Mr Milligan
Los protagonistas son "The Stone Roses", un grupo inglés del movimiento Manchester. En 1990, la banda dio un mítico concierto en la isla de Spike, y hasta allí intentó llegar un grupo de adolescentes de Manchester, apasionados por su música.
Andy Marlow es un ex-soldado de las fuerzas especiales británicas, que es reclutado, junto a otros dos mercenarios, para rescatar al embajador de E.E.U.U. y sus ayudantes, que se encuentran secuestrados, en la ciudad de Srebrenica, por Olodan Cracovic, ex-comandante de el ejercito croata, buscado por crímenes contra la humanidad, cometidos durante la guerra de los Balcanes.
Perfect Day
Drama following the tensions and romantic crises among a group of friends over the course of a single wedding day.