In 19th-century France, a little girl follows her two sisters into a Carmelite monastery with the goal of becoming a saint.
Fred Peloux nicknamed Chéri, the handsome son of Charlotte Peloux, a former demimondaine, lives in the small circle of his mother's friends, all high class prostitutes past their best. He has an affair with Léa, a waning beauty, who loves him both as a mistress and a mother. But the age difference takes its toll on their union. To please his mother, Chéri accepts to marry young Edmée without actually caring for her. After a while, the young man tries to return to Léa...
Misanthrope Raymond Ferray's life of peace and quiet is disrupted by the arrival of his new neighbors the Rovels. Lady Rovel designs on marrying her daughter Meg to the much older Marquis de Boisgenêt. Her mother agrees not to force her, however, if she can find a suitable alternative. Raymond, who despite himself has taken a great interest in Miss Rovel, helps her to find one.
Un padre, con la escusa de estar buscando un pretendiente adecuado para su hija, llega a París en busca de amantes...
La princesse Sonia Danidoff
Princesse Danidoff
Un poderoso relato de las hazañas y crímenes del archivillano Fantomas mientras logra eludir la incansable persecución del inspector Juve.