Guillermina Broens


Desaparición incompleta
Using personal correspondence and some passages from Ezequiel Martínez Estrada’s The Head of Goliath, as well as recreations with paper models and minor acts of architectural preservation, Incomplete Disappearance presents a series of simulations through which an identity crisis is (temporarily) avoided.
Génesis: nacimiento, creación, origen. Tras quince años de sujeción a las normas de su entorno, las situaciones por las que María pasa hoy se manifiestan como determinantes, abriendo paso al comienzo de su apertura al placer.
Mientras las olas
In a deckchair under a beach umbrella in the middle of a traffic island, Julia sits listening to the Cranberries’ ‘Zombie’ at full volume – simply existing, in a world that seems to take little notice of her as it keeps on turning. Even her brief nervous breakdown at the hairdresser’s merely ebbs away, like waves that gather only to dissipate again. Between a Russian Orthodox mass and the beach, a search for identity unfolds.