Tyler Purcell


The Sleeping Negro
Enfrentado a una serie de incidentes con carga racial, un joven negro debe superar la rabia, la alienación y la desesperanza para encontrar su propia humanidad.
A Tub With a View
A kid locked in his bathroom sets out to find toilet paper.
In the hills of Los Angeles the reclusive, stylish and enigmatic 96-year-old Harumi Taniguchi spent decades painting, writing poetry and dancing in her home designed by architect Richard Neutra.
Director of Photography
In the hills of Los Angeles the reclusive, stylish and enigmatic 96-year-old Harumi Taniguchi spent decades painting, writing poetry and dancing in her home designed by architect Richard Neutra.
Beyond the Bolex
Filmmaker Alyssa Bolsey stumbles on a treasure trove of vintage cameras, old film reels, fading photos, technical drawings and boxes of documents that belonged to her great-grandfather Jacques Bolsey. Among the many boxes, she spots an old movie camera with the word "Bolex" embossed on its side and a dangling tag with the date, "1927." Entranced, she embarks on a journey to reveal how Jacques aimed to disrupt the early film industry with a motion picture camera for the masses.
A Cowgirl's Story
Dusty Rhodes es nueva en el Jefferson High, y ella sobresale como una buena vaquera. Dusty es una verdadera vaquera de Texas. Sus padres están en el Ejército de los Estados Unidos: su madre es una piloto de helicóptero y su padre un Ranger de las fuerzas especiales. En un primer momento, Dusty es una marginada, pero con el tiempo se hace amiga de un grupo que incluye a Savanah, una chica cuyo padre murió mientras combatía en Irak hace tres años. A pesar de que Savanah es una especie de gótica y Dusty es toda una vaquera, tienen una conexión especial.
A Fuller Life
Friends and admirers of iconoclastic film director Sam Fuller read from his memoirs in this unconventional documentary directed by Fuller's only child, Samantha.
A Fuller Life
Friends and admirers of iconoclastic film director Sam Fuller read from his memoirs in this unconventional documentary directed by Fuller's only child, Samantha.
Larry's Got a Lady
With the help of friends and family, Larry gets ready for a big date.