Chester Himes


Cosmic Slop
Short Story
In the tradition of The Twilight Zone, this bizarre, thought-provoking trilogy addresses the destiny of the world's minorities: Part I: A conservative African American politician must choose between his people's survival and appeasing his white colleagues when space aliens propose to share their profound knowledge in exchange for all black people on earth. Part II: The Virgin Mary's appearance in an inner-city housing project forces a Hispanic priest to face the hidden cultural origins of Western religion. Part III: On the dawn of the "Black Revolution," an African American couple discovers who the "real" enemy is.
Redada en Harlem
Año 1956. Jackson es un joven de color muy inocente y religioso. En su camino se cruza una mujer que, aparte de iniciarle en las artes del amor, llevará consigo un arcón proviniente del robo de una mina. Como todos los delincuentes de Harlem la persiguen, y se esconde en casa de Jackson, que se ha enamorado perdidamente de ella...
Come Back, Charleston Blue
Sequel to Cotton Comes to Harlem. Another bad influence is hitting Harlem and Gravedigger and Coffin Ed are the two cops who will stop it. Charleston Blue was a prohibition era black gangster, dead 4 decades. When he seems to have reappeared, once again slitting throats with his Blue straight edge razors, the two cops begin a complicated search for some answers.
Algodón en Harlem
El carismático reverendo Rev Deke O’malley intenta vender fraudulentos viajes a África a la gente de Harlem. Los policías Gravedigger Jones y Coffin Ed Johnson investigarán el sospechoso caso.