Nobuhiro Monma


The story is set 155 years ago, during the battles that ended the Shogun era and through the eyes of young Itosato, we gather an interesting glimpse into a world surrounded by the most arcane women, who for the times they were destined to live, were very similar to the women of today; displaying leadership and strength within the bounds of a society at large. Itosato is a "TENJIN,' who is a courtesan in training just beneath the rank of TAYOU, which carries an Aristocratic title of Supreme Entertainer in the old capital city of Kyoto. There are two more women who play a key role in this story and all three women are in love with men who are commanders within the infamous special police task force, Shinsengumi. A task force that was organized to protect Shogun government under the command of the Kyoto Military Commissioner.
It Comes
Hideki y Kana Tahara son una pareja de recién casados. Hideki está realmente emocionado por el futuro que le depara junto a Kana. Un día, una misteriosa persona visita la compañía en la que él trabaja. Pronto recibe un mensaje de un compañero, asegurando que la persona en cuestión se llama "Chisa", algo que impacta a Hideki. "Chisa" es el nombre que tanto él como su mujer han elegido para su bebé, pero sólo ellos están al corriente del embarazo de Kana. En cuestión de días, el compañero que transmite el mensaje fallece bajo extrañas circunstancias. La vida de Hideki cambia por completo de ese momento en adelante, viéndose implicado en una serie de misteriosos acontecimientos en los siguientes dos años de su existencia.
El mundo de Kanako
Cuando Kanako, hija pródiga y alumna intachable, desaparece, su madre no duda en llamar a su exmarido, un policía poco ortodoxo. A medida que la investigación avanza, la imagen idealizada de Kanako se va resquebrajando, dejando entrever que, bajo la excelencia, la chica esconde otra vida, más oscura y secreta.
Paco and the Magical Book
There once was a hospital where patients and even doctors & nurses were all weird. Above all, Onuki, a patient who built up his company all by himself from scratch, is a super cranky old man. One day, he meets up a girl called Paco, who cannot retain memory beyond one day due to a car accident. She is reading the same picture book everyday. Onuki starts bonding with Paco after some incident, and begins to doubt his way of living. He starts wanting to do something for Paco with his remaining life, and comes up with a brilliant idea. This pleases Paco, but their fate is?