Lugansk region, May 2014. The Novozhilov family, by chance, finds itself in the thick of events in Lugansk. Vlad Novozhilov is a former participant in the war in Afghanistan. He knows firsthand what war is. Having seen enough of the horrors of war in his time, in principle he does not even want to touch a weapon. In a situation, he sees only one way out - to leave the country. But you can't run away from the war, the border is already closed. To save his family, he will have to make difficult moral choices.
Otoño de 1941. La ex militante del Partido Comunista Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya se alista en la Guerrilla. Cuando su escuadrón es emboscado durante un intento de incendiar un granero, es capturada por los alemanes. Interrogada y torturada, Zoya permanece en silencio y es leal a su grupo. Su hazaña cautiva a millones de corazones, mientras ayuda a los soldados soviéticos a llegar a Berlín.