En 1801 un nuevo rey decide exiliar a una isla a un erudito en la cual conoce a un joven pescador admirador del confucianismo y de gran conocimiento sobre el mar. Fascinado, el erudito decide escribir un libro sobre el mar con la ayuda del pescador.
On the day that underground rapper Hak-soo fails his 7th audition, he receives a call from his hometown that his father is in the hospital. But he finds out that it was his father's plot to bring him to Byeon-san. To top it all, he is suspected as a phishing scam criminal and locked up in this small, boring suburb.
On the day that underground rapper Hak-soo fails his 7th audition, he receives a call from his hometown that his father is in the hospital. But he finds out that it was his father's plot to bring him to Byeon-san. To top it all, he is suspected as a phishing scam criminal and locked up in this small, boring suburb.
Un mosquito de Transilvania llega a Seúl, donde pica a Na Do-yol, un policía corrupto. Poco después, comienza a desarrollar sed de sangre y descubre que tiene superpoderes de vampiro cada vez que se excita sexualmente. Cuando las fechorías pasadas de Do-yol vuelven para amenazar a su pareja y novia, decide limpiar su conducta y se propone vengarse.