Satoshi Koji


Destiny: The Tale of Kamakura
Set in an alternate universe, the ancient capital of Kamakura is a vibrant town where fantastical creatures live alongside humans. Akiko is a cheerful publishing assistant who moves into town after marrying Masakazu, a popular mystery writer. Akiko is surprised by the unusual town but enjoys the new curiosities surrounding her. However, just as she was beginning to settle in, a trifling incident sweeps her spirit to the underworld too soon. Convinced that destiny has something else in store for his wife, Masakazu journeys into the underworld to bring back Akiko’s spirit.
El mundo de Kanako
Cuando Kanako, hija pródiga y alumna intachable, desaparece, su madre no duda en llamar a su exmarido, un policía poco ortodoxo. A medida que la investigación avanza, la imagen idealizada de Kanako se va resquebrajando, dejando entrever que, bajo la excelencia, la chica esconde otra vida, más oscura y secreta.
Kids Return: The Reunion
Set 10 years after "Kids Return." Shinji and Masaru have graduated from high school with different paths in their lives. Shinji attempted to become boxer and Masaru a yakuza. They both tried to rise to the top of their respective fields.