Massimo Dapporto

Massimo Dapporto

Nacimiento : 1945-08-08, Milan - Lombardy - Italy


Massimo Dapporto


I cassamortari
signor Taffo
In Rome, the Cassamortari are people who work in the funeral business. The Pasti family's agency was founded by Giuseppe, who is willing to do anything to turn a corpse into money, preferably in black.
Un marziano di nome Ennio
Ennio Flaiano
The story tells an interesting moment in the life of Ennio Flaiano, his meeting with Federico Fellini and his relationship with the famous producer of the "Dolce Vita" Peppino Amato, until he decides to write a dictionary of the 'verbal errors' committed by Peppino Amato.
Luisa Spagnoli
En los primeros años del siglo XX Luisa Spagnoli cambió los roles del liderazgo creando su propio imperio de dulces y moda femenina. La historia de una mujer emprendedora y adelantada a su tiempo.
Nicola, lì dove sorge il sole
"Nicola, where the sun rises" - Tells the true story of the transfer, from Myra (today Demre in Turkey ) to Bari , of the relics of St. Nicholas. 62 sailors arrive in Lycia aboard 3 sailing ships to steal the bones of the saint. They return to Bari on 8 May 1087 and announce they want to build a new basilica dedicated to St. Nicholas.
Giovanni Falcone - L'uomo che sfidò Cosa Nostra
Giovanni Falcone
TV-Movie on the life and accomplishments of Giovanni Falcone, the legendary Sicilian judge who boldly opposed the Mafia
Calígula está trastornado. Obsesionado con una supuesta conspiración de su hermano contra él, ordena que lo maten y condena a Agripina al exilio en una isla remota, muy lejos de su hijo Nerón. Asesinado por sus generales, el emperador Calígula es sustituido por Claudius, cuyo objetivo será que Nerón gobierne el imperio romano.
Anni ribelli
Francesco Loiacono
Una adolescente porteña que en la década de 1950 encuentra su primer amor y sus enfrentamientos con su padre, un sastre siciliano de ideas revolucionarias.
Marching in Darkness
Vittorio Scarpa
A young recruit to the Italian army discovers and rejects the seedy world of soldiers who prostitute themselves to supplement their income. But before leaving this world he is raped by a highly-respected senior officer and must decide whether to risk bringing proceedings against him.
Giuseppe Amato
Narra el sufrido rodaje de "Roma, città aperta", la obra maestra de Roberto Rossellini filmada en 1946. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Last Breath
Alfonso decides to rob a villa on the outskirts of Palermo believing it to be empty, but in the meantime the owner, Tony, who had an appointment with his lover, Margherita, bursts in and attacks him. Tony, councilor and doctor, wants to avoid the scandal and decides to treat Alfonso. Something clicks in Margherita that will lead her to see both of them, until she is forced to choose.
Karen arrives at hotel room no.772: she has a huge amount of bags and suitcases and she decided to leave behind her previous life and to meet Massimo, a man she met long time ago.
A Simple Story
After many years, a retired diplomat returns to his native Sicily to visit an abandoned property and delve into family correspondence. But is it worth bringing up the past? A difficult Sicilian history against the backdrop of the mafia and drugs.
Traces of an Amorous Life
What is love? In how many forms can it manifest itself? 14 short episodes about love, spanning generations of answer.
Tre colonne in cronaca
Commissario Dante Morisi
Chronicle of the dark maneuvers put into practice by a politician to seize an opposition newspaper. A Lebanese terrorist receives the order to kill a stockbroker, which triggers a series of blackmail and deception. A deputy commissioner and a journalist intend to shed light on all these murky matters, but the politician has no scruples and also knows how to move with extraordinary skill.
Venetian Red
Venice. March 1735. The carnival is in full swing Everybody's happy mood and the lively streets are filled with musicians, mimes, clowns and acrobats of pickpockets who practice their craft each, displaying a colorful rainbow and sounds. At every corner, there is something going on that should not be missed - especially if it's something forbidden. However, some people are concerned about something else. One is Carlo Goldoni young lawyer of 27 years, he dreams only theater and he thinks only the part that wants to ride. Alas, the money was also hard to find at that time than now. His two friends, Antonio Vivaldi and Gian Battista Tiepolo are better known than him but they are also looking for this rare bird: a patron, who was not on ONLY the desire but also the means to sponsor a work of art.
Mignon vino a quedarse
Una historia simple, a veces amable y a veces dolorosa. Los protagonistas son unos adolescentes romanos que reciben en su casa la visita de Mignon, su bellísima prima francesa, cuya presencia, en medio de un ambiente de crisis e infidelidad de los adultos, perturba la fantasía de los chicos.
Barore Diana
Il mistero del panino assassino
Soldati - 365 all'alba
Tenente Fili
Claudio Scanna is a private in the Italian army: during his first night in a new military base he gets in a fight with senior recruits. Lieutenant Fili, Claudio's commanding officer, is denied a promotion because his superiors discover he was absent without justification during the night of the fight. Fili blames Claudio and vows to make his remaining months in the service a living hell...
La familia
Giulio as a middle-aged man
Crónica de la vida de varias generaciones de una familia romana de la burguesía, desde 1906 hasta 1986. El narrador es Carlo, un profesor de italiano que relata su vida desde el día de su bautismo hasta que se encuentra rodeado de hijos y nietos. Los demás personajes, el abuelo, el padre, la madre, las tres inseparables tías solteras, el hermano, la criada enamorada del hermano... configuran un mundo lleno de vida y sentimientos.
Mussolini y Yo
Vittorio Mussolini
El final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) fue para Mussolini, el despótico dictador itliano, una etapa difícil, pues se vio obligado a contemplar impotente la inevitable derrota y el fracaso del imperio que trató de construir. Cuando ya no podía confiar en nadie, sólo su mujer Rachele y su amante Clara Petacci le fueron incondicionalmente fieles e intentaron protegerlo de las intrigas que lo amenazaban.
Tu Ley es lenta... la mía no!
Quizás sea la misión más dificil que le hayan asignado nunca a Paolo Ferro, el experto policia: Investigar una serie de asesinatos ocurridos a personajes del mundo de las finanzas de Milan, efectuados sin duda por una organización de criminales a sueldo, posiblemente vinculados con la Mafia. Los crímenes se suceden y las sospechas recaen sobre un viejo conocido, amigo de la infancia de Ferro, el "Capo" Tano Fanzo. Ferro recibe un duro golpe al descubrir que su sobrino, al que se enfreta en un tiroteo, está impliclado. Al final logra descubrir al dirigente de la organización, pero no puede arrestarlo por falta de pruebas. Ferro se siente fracasado y dolido, pero se hará justicia de la forma más inesperada...
Liberated Christian
El joven Nerón es nombrado emperador gracias a los manejos de Agripina, pero el pueblo no tarda en considerarlo un loco y es ingresado en un manicomio.
Consejero sexual
paziente filmato
La imprevista solución de dos aventuras con mujeres casadas, las cuales han recuperado la felicidad, y la lectura de un libro de sexología, impulsan a Vincenzo a convertirse en médico improvisado y consejero sexual... (FILMAFFINITY)