Michael Tanji


At dawn, Kelsey Akioka hikes out onto the Kalapana lava fields with a camera in hand and 80 lbs of gear on his back. We observe his methodical photography process amid one of nature’s most beautiful and chaotic events. Under the shade of a pop-up tent, he sells these photos at a small makeshift marketplace to apathetic tourists. By the end of the day, Kelsey returns home, exhausted and worn, to his son and elderly father. When he learns his friend is sacrificing his passion and moving away from home to pursue a better life for his family, Kelsey begins to question his own choices. As his frustrations spill into his home life, Kelsey must confront the turmoil stirring within him.
Hunter Killer: Caza en las profundidades
Assistant Camera
El capitán Joe Glass, un hombre firme pero justo y con un código moral muy exigente, se va a encargar de liderar una importante misión. Junto con un grupo de Navy Seals, y desde un submarino de los Estados Unidos, deberá rescatar al presidente de Rusia que ha sido hecho prisionero tras un golpe militar. Glass y su equipo deberán evitar a toda costa que la situación desemboque en una Tercera Guerra Mundial.
Young Matsuo
Living out his last days in the north shore of Hawaii, an old Japanese man is visited by the ghosts of his past.