Alex Deegan


Flora y su hijo Max
Flora es una madre soltera que no sabe qué hacer con Max, su hijo adolescente rebelde. Mientras intenta que no se meta en líos, da con una guitarra acústica destartalada y un músico de Los Ángeles venido a menos, y esta crispada familia de Dublín encuentra así la armonía.
Pretty Girl
Kevin, a transgender teen, comes out for the first time at a cross dress disco in the Gaeltacht.
The Sniper's Daughter
A troubled American teen is stranded in Northern Ireland when her father is suddenly arrested for an IRA related murder from seventeen years prior. Teaming up with her delinquent cousin, together they pry into the buried secrets from their family’s past.
First Disco
It's 1983. Culture Club are no. 1, everyone's glued to Knight Rider and Kelly Harrison not only has her first crush, she's going to her first disco!