Gregor Seberg
Nacimiento : 1967-07-24, Graz, Austria
Michael Friedmann
Jani Pollanc
La hermana menor de Lisa desaparece repentinamente sin dejar rastro, decidiendo regresar a su pueblo natal para buscarla.
Austria, años sesenta. Bub, un adolescente con inquietudes artísticas fan del dibujo, vive en un pequeño pueblo lleno de elementos reaccionarios. El lugar está plagado de nostálgicos del nazismo, unos personajes que se reúnen en el bar de la aldea, propiedad de los padres de Bub. En ese clima asfixiante, inicia una relación con una chica gitana de su edad que le cambiará para siempre.
During the organization of their mother’s funeral, two estranged sisters with completely different personalities are forced to face each other once again. They will have to confront their differences, as well as their relationship.
Oberstleutnant Helmuth Novak
Herr Haslinger
Carolin and Niklas have a happy marriage and enjoy the suburban idyll. However, with the intimate harmony, it is over when Carolin's exile is suddenly at the door. Ex-Knacki Timo demands from Carolin Schweigegeld. The rogue couple had once committed numerous robberies. Niklas has no idea of the past life of his wife. However, when a private investigator opens his eyes to him, he reacts unexpectedly understanding.
Schmied Chlodio
A mediados del siglo XII gran parte del territorio europeo está gobernado por el sacro imperio romano y la violencia y la crueldad están a la orden del día. Varias comarcas alemanas viven aterrorizadas por un peligroso asesino que se dedica a matar a jóvenes doncellas. Por ello. Isanhart y Laurin, su fiel compañero de armas, recorrerán de cabo a rabo el viejo continente para intentar dar caza al despiadado criminal.
Constanza, año 1410. Marie, hija del burgués más rico de toda la ciudad, está en vísperas de casarse con un prestigioso abogado, hijo de un conde. Aunque el compromiso colma de orgullo al padre de la joven, ansioso por ennoblecerse, a Marie no le acaba de convencer su prometido, al que sólo ha visto dos veces. Sus recelos se ven trágicamente confirmados la víspera de la boda cuando, tras firmar el contrato nupcial, irrumpe en la casa un desconocido que asegura que Marie se ha acostado con otros hombres a cambio de regalos, como una vil ramera. A partir de ese momento, la vida de la muchacha dará un inesperado y terrible vuelco. Sola, arruinada y con su reputación perdida, no tendrá más opción para sobrevivir que asociarse con una prostituta y echarse a los caminos...
Dr. Kraake
16-year old Axel and his clique are rioting in a residential home. There he meets the 80-year old Gustav who gains interest in the young boy, as he reminds him of his lost love.
Franz Werfel
Viena. 1902. Alma Schindler, una joven y apasionada compositora, se enamora del compositor checo Gustav Mahler. Tras contraer matrimonio, Gustav obliga a Alma a abandonar la música y dedicarse exclusivamente a su familia. Sin embargo, la repentina muerte de uno de sus hijos hace que Alma se aleje de su marido para redescubrir el amor y recuperar su pasión por la música.
Der Unbekannte
Etje, a chic young woman who likes to have fine jewelry, is involved in an insurance fraud. In return, her partner and life partner Jan promised her two million marks and a life in the Caribbean if she got Paul to stick to her heels. But what Etje doesn't know is also hired by Jan. But Jan lured Etje into a trap so that she could use her traces in his production. A sophisticated plan: Paul watches Etje while she has dinner with Jan. He shows his visitor the safe in which his wife keeps her diamonds and then tries to rape her. When Paul hears gunshots, he rushes to the villa: Etje shot Jan. Paul and Etje flee with the diamonds. But they are only part of a perfect plan ...
Helden, a village in a secluded, forgotten valley in Tyol. A place where the world is still a happy place, where a simple poache named Max loves poor Emma. However, he doesn't want to stand in the way of her being happy by marrying the greedy mayor's rich son. Time stands still in Helden, where Father Johannes is still able to stir up the parish with his sermons, where the oldest resident has already celebrated his 300th birthday, and where the village idiot reads Marcel Proust. One day, this idyll is threatened when the mayor plans to turn the village into a tourist trap. The heroic Max is ready to fight this decision and do battle against injustice. It's no surprise that Emma sides with him, and after staving off the evil menace, he can marry his beloved as a reward.
An unhappy young photographer is about to make his debut as a journalist. He is to write an obituary about the weapons-crazy mayor of a Lower Austrian village who, it is said, had a tank from WWII. In the course of his research he unearths a conspiracy of wifes murdering their husbands to get an early widowers pension.