Denis Paquette


King Dave
Location Manager
Dave is young and rebellious. A self-proclaimed King, influenced but not unconscious. As he sets out to find the stranger who danced with his girlfriend grabbing her ass, as if nothing had happened, he decides to take justice into his hands. Between violence, heartbreak and friendship betrayal, Dave will put his finger through the wringer and rush forward, unable to stop.
El aviador
Assistant Location Manager
Biografía del polifacético Howard Hughes, que heredó un poco de dinero de la compañía de su padre para trasladarse a Hollywood donde amasó un gran fortuna. Fue uno de los productores más destacados del cine americano durante la década de los treinta y cuarenta, lanzando carreras como la de Jean Harlow y llegando a ser dueño de la RKO Radio Pictures. Pero Hughes, además de productor, fue un reconocido industrial y comerciante que también tuvo su importancia en el mundo de la aviación.
Best Boy Lighting Technician
Bo is a transexual prostitute in Brussels who left home after being abused by her father. She's infuatuated with a neighbor and suspected by the police in a series of transexual murders. In order to clear herself she must turn detective.
Task Force: Caviar
Location Manager
Based on a true story, a veteran narcotics officer takes on a case that could cost him his life.
The Jackal (Chacal)
Assistant Location Manager
Un asesino sin escrúpulos, al que sólo se le conoce por el pseudónimo de Chacal, es contratado por un jefe de la mafia rusa para eliminar a un alto mandatario de gobierno de los Estados Unidos como represalia por la muerte de su hermano. El director del FBI, Preston se enfrenta al reto más grande de su carrera: con la ayuda de Valentina Koslova, una oficial de la inteligencia rusa, tendrá que desenmascarar al Chacal, descubrir quién es su objetivo y evitar el fatal desenlace. La única forma de conseguirlo es encontrar a alguien que piense como él: Declan, un antiguo activista del IRA.
Witch Hunter
The careers of three Canadians have caused them to scatter, but the twenty-somethings plan a camping reunion in the National Forest near their hometown. According to legend, gold must exist there because Indian artifacts from the region were made from the ore, which also attracts a surly young archaeology professor, accompanied by two, money-hungry acquaintances. The buddies lose their supples, causing them to encounter a mysterious tribesman.