Tells the story of Lam - a man who used to be a gangster but lost his memory and now hides like an ordinary person, making a living by manual labor. Lam lives with his wife - Hanh and her stepdaughter Hien. Hien still has not accepted the love of Uncle Lam for her. Hien grew up impulsive and was seduced by Tien - a hypocritical young man who lured girls into brothels to become prostitutes. Throughout the film is the journey to find Lam's daughter.
Executive Producer
Tras sufrir una tragedia familiar, un viudo llamado Thanh traslada a sus dos hijas a una casa solariega centenaria. Ambas hijas son víctimas de parálisis del sueño y terrores nocturnos. Su padre busca la ayuda de un psicólogo local, pero escalofriantes secretos y visiones finalmente prueban que no todo es lo que parece en la antigua casa familiar.
Gentle is a film set in modern-day South Vietnam and based on the short story 'A Gentle Creature' by the Russian novelist Dostoevsky.
Until they lose their baby to a miscarriage, a young couple were happily settling into their new life in their spacious home. After the tragedy, Thao is inconsolable and won't let her baby's body leave the house. Normal life eludes her as terrifying visions undermine her sanity. Her husband, Thanh, experiences strange phenomena around their home and when his wife turns on him, he must race to uncover the secrets of the house in the alley before they lose their sanity and their lives.