Assistant Location Manager
El agente especial Ethan Hunt tiene una nueva misión: evitar que un despiadado ex-agente y ahora terrorista internacional se haga con un virus mortal que podría soltar sobre Australia causando millones de víctimas. Para evitarlo, contará otra vez con la inestimable ayuda del genio informático Luther Stickell, del experto conductor Billy Baird y de la presencia de la sensual y exótica ladrona internacional Nhye, que en el pasado mantuvo una relación sentimental con el criminal y que ahora se siente atraída por Hunt.
Reb has lied her way into herself into an awkward position. She just needs some time alone to think through the issues she's been avoiding, but her barricade of technology conspires against her and her procrastinations are on a comic collision course with her personal life.
Reb has lied her way into herself into an awkward position. She just needs some time alone to think through the issues she's been avoiding, but her barricade of technology conspires against her and her procrastinations are on a comic collision course with her personal life.
Reb has lied her way into herself into an awkward position. She just needs some time alone to think through the issues she's been avoiding, but her barricade of technology conspires against her and her procrastinations are on a comic collision course with her personal life.