Aldo De Benedetti

Nacimiento : 1892-08-13, Rome, Italy

Muerte : 1970-01-19


Divórciate, amor
Dos episodios sobre dos parejas en crisis.
El amante de mi mujer
Alberto Verani es un granjero casado y un mujeriego implacable. Cuando su esposa Marina está fuera, él trata de seducir a Condessa Arduini enviándole un ramo firmado anónimamente. Sin embargo, Marina es la que encuentra el regalo y se lo esconde a Alberto, creyendo que tiene un admirador secreto. Así que el marido le sigue enviando flores para probar la fidelidad, mientras que un hombre de fuera descubre la trama y comienza a aprovecharla.
Um Marido Sem... É Como um Jardim Sem Flores
A private detective is hired to spy a married woman and ends up falling in love with her.
El marido es mío y lo mato cuando me parece
Para poder casarse, dos jóvenes amantes deciden deshacerse del anciano marido de la mujer. Los medios empleados serán a cuál más surrealista, sin que ninguno parezca surtir efecto.
Scano Boa
Vento di primavera
Vento di primavera
Café de puerto
Lucas es un huérfano que vive con su madre María, obrera de una fábrica de Barcelona. Un día conoce en la escuela al capitán Andrés, que desde que sabe la historia del chico intenta protegerle. Lucas también se encariña del capitán y, aprovechando un descuido de éste, decide embarcarse como polizón en su barco.
Café de puerto
Lucas es un huérfano que vive con su madre María, obrera de una fábrica de Barcelona. Un día conoce en la escuela al capitán Andrés, que desde que sabe la historia del chico intenta protegerle. Lucas también se encariña del capitán y, aprovechando un descuido de éste, decide embarcarse como polizón en su barco.
La última violencia
Violada durante la guerra por un desconocido, Anna es forzada por sus padres a creer que su hija Lisa es su hermana. Cuando la joven se va a casar con el nuevo médico del pueblo, será chantajeada por el amoral Giorgio, hermano de Anna y desheredado por su padre.
The Virtuous Bigamist
The Provence, somewhere in the 1950's. Paul Verdier, traveling salesman, leaves his home and his quarrelsome wife for his weekly round. On the train he meets a young woman, Marie, who looks a little lost. No wonder. Marie is pregnant but lacks the customary husband. She's returning to her village but is not exactly looking forward to the confrontation with her parents and the villagers, all pretty conservative people. After getting to know Paul a little better (for which there is ample time during the trip by train and bus) Marie decides to ask Paul to act as her husband, just to allay the suspicions of her family. After some hesitating Paul accepts, charmed by the girl and unaware of the complications such is bound to cause to his own life.
Rice Girl
The 19-year-old Elena, who is as pretty as she is bright, works as a rice girl for the landlord Guerrini. Having become aware of her name, he finds out that she is his illegitimate daughter of whom he knew nothing. He tries to secretly help Elena, who has fallen in love with the car mechanic Gianni. But that only creates mistrust. When Guerrini's worthless nephew harasses the girl, the situation is dramatically worse.
Una joven comunista rusa sobrevive a un accidente de avión junto con el padre Lorenzo, de cuyas oraciones se burlaba antes de ocurrir la tragedia. Una vez repuesta acude a Nápoles para escribir unos artículos destructivos contra la religión católica, a la que ella considera una superstición. Un hecho insólito afectará drásticamente a sus convicciones.
Esta noche nada nuevo
Maria, una prostituta, conoce a Cesare, un periodista dipsómano, en una comisaría de policía. Cesare se enamora de ella y quiere salvarla de su triste vida, pero ella se niega a recibir su ayuda.
It Happens in Roma
Airy comedy of a man a woman and the lengths they'll go to for a really great apartment! Located in the center of Rome with amazing views both want it and strike the compromise of marrying each other platonically to get it. The woman still hopes for true love and the man agrees to step aside should that special someone come along but he is secretly smitten with her and surreptitiously makes her various suitors look like fools. All goes well until he comes up against Rosanno Brazzi and finds him a tough challenge to overcome.
It Happens in Roma
Airy comedy of a man a woman and the lengths they'll go to for a really great apartment! Located in the center of Rome with amazing views both want it and strike the compromise of marrying each other platonically to get it. The woman still hopes for true love and the man agrees to step aside should that special someone come along but he is secretly smitten with her and surreptitiously makes her various suitors look like fools. All goes well until he comes up against Rosanno Brazzi and finds him a tough challenge to overcome.
El ángel blanco
Tras el trágico desenlace de la primera parte, "I figli di nessuno", Guido (Amedeo Nazzari) decide divorciarse, pero antes de que esto suceda, su mujer y su hija mueren en un accidente. Algunos años después, Guido conoce a Lina (Yvonne Sanson) de la que se enamora.
Esclava del pecado
Mara, una mujer de vida fácil, salva a una chica polaca de un accidente de tren donde sus padres mueren. A ella le gustaría adoptarla, y tendría éxito, si un antiguo proxeneta no volviera a su vida...
Vuelve a mi vida
Roberto y Giacomo son dos primos que se encuentran en disputa por la herencia de un viejo tío, y además están enamorados de la misma mujer, Susanna (Yvonne Sanson), que se casa con Roberto (Amedeo Nazzari). Giacomo (Franco Fabrizi), vago, jugador y malvado, conspirará para destruir la felicidad de su primo y Susanna...
Vuelve a mi vida
Roberto y Giacomo son dos primos que se encuentran en disputa por la herencia de un viejo tío, y además están enamorados de la misma mujer, Susanna (Yvonne Sanson), que se casa con Roberto (Amedeo Nazzari). Giacomo (Franco Fabrizi), vago, jugador y malvado, conspirará para destruir la felicidad de su primo y Susanna...
Vuelve a mi vida
Roberto y Giacomo son dos primos que se encuentran en disputa por la herencia de un viejo tío, y además están enamorados de la misma mujer, Susanna (Yvonne Sanson), que se casa con Roberto (Amedeo Nazzari). Giacomo (Franco Fabrizi), vago, jugador y malvado, conspirará para destruir la felicidad de su primo y Susanna...
El suceso de Via Padova
El secretario Arduino Buongiorno lleva una vida monótona entre el trabajo rutinario de la secretaría de Hacienda y la casa donde vive con una mujer indolente, hipocondríaca y dedicada a los medicamentos. A partir de un encuentro casual en una tarde de domingo con una fascinante chica de compañía, le llega la oportunidad para tener una cita en el apartamento de la joven, en Via Padova 46. Cuando acude a la hora acordada, no recibe respuesta. Al día siguiente sabrá porqué no le abrió la puerta, y además, su vida ya no será tan aburrida como antes... (FILMAFFINITY)
El suceso de Via Padova
El secretario Arduino Buongiorno lleva una vida monótona entre el trabajo rutinario de la secretaría de Hacienda y la casa donde vive con una mujer indolente, hipocondríaca y dedicada a los medicamentos. A partir de un encuentro casual en una tarde de domingo con una fascinante chica de compañía, le llega la oportunidad para tener una cita en el apartamento de la joven, en Via Padova 46. Cuando acude a la hora acordada, no recibe respuesta. Al día siguiente sabrá porqué no le abrió la puerta, y además, su vida ya no será tan aburrida como antes... (FILMAFFINITY)
The Ship of Condemned Women
After murdering her illegitimate baby, Isabella (Tania Weber) pins the blame on her innocent cousin Consuelo (May Britt). Despite the strenuous efforts of her attorney-lover DeSylva (Ettore Manni), Consuelo is found guilty and shipped to a penal colony along with several other female prisoners.
Odio, amor y castigo
Para salvar a su padre de la ruina, Elena abandona a su novio médico para casarse con un banquero rico que, implicado en la muerte accidental de una prostituta, muere envenenado.
Odio, amor y castigo
Para salvar a su padre de la ruina, Elena abandona a su novio médico para casarse con un banquero rico que, implicado en la muerte accidental de una prostituta, muere envenenado.
Gli uomini, che mascalzoni!
Una di quelle
Una joven viuda se ve obligada a prostituirse. Así conoce a un hombre de provincias que de paso por Roma, busca aventuras.
Una di quelle
Una joven viuda se ve obligada a prostituirse. Así conoce a un hombre de provincias que de paso por Roma, busca aventuras.
He Who Is Without Sin...
Stefano es perseguido por la policía y se esconde en casa de María, ella acepta ocultarlo y él se salva de ser detenido. Con el tiempo Stefano enmienda su rumbo y ambos se enamoran. Debido a lo poco que gana en su trabajo, Stefano decide dejarlo e ir a trabajar a Canadá en un buen puesto, y así volver con dinero suficiente para casarse con María y vivir juntos... pero el destino tendrá planes menos románticos.
The Lucky Five
Four poor fellows win a luxurious car in a lottery but they have not the money to keep it. Therefore they decide to have it a day each and sell it afterwards. Everyone will spend his own day with the car and get some gratification. Some will get it, others will not. And the fifth poor fellow?
La presidenta
Cobette, cantante y bailarina de opereta, actúa en una pequeña ciudad de la cual quieren expulsarla por su conducta y actuación escandalosa. Cuando un puritano juez cierra su espectáculo, se vengará implicando a las autoridades en escándalos amorosos.
Wanda the Sinner
Un oficial de la Marina alejado ya del trabajo directo en los barcos y adscrito, en consecuencia, a un Ministerio. viene informado de que su esposa envía secretamente a potencias extranjeras diseños militares y proyectos que estaban bajo su custodia. Un cómplice avisa a la mujer quien empieza a tomar medidas para escapar: saluda a su hijito que está jugando y va a su habitación a preparar la maleta. Pero el marido vuelve rápido a casa; la mujer se encierra en la habitación y se suicida con una pistola...
Il microfono è vostro
Los hijos de nadie
Guido es el rico propietario de una cantera de mármol y Luisa la hija de uno de sus empleados. Los dos se aman, pero la madre de Guido no ve con buenos ojos este amor debido a la diferencia de clase social. Cuando Luisa da a luz un hijo de Guido, su madre hace raptar al hijo y hace creer a Luisa que el niño ha muerto en un incendio. A partir de ese momento Luisa decide hacerse monja, y Guido, creyendo que ella ha muerto en el incendio (y desconociendo que había tenido un hijo suyo) decide casarse con otra mujer. Pasan los años, y cuando su madre está a punto de morir...
Position Wanted
Maria is a housmaid and she is being engaged to Berto for fifteen years. Berto has not a lasting job so he is waiting for the death of his uncle Matteo to come into an inheritance. In the meantime Maria goes on with her work, first in the house of an unfaithful wife; then for an actor and his wife on the verge of leaving each other and last for Raffaele who wants to marry her. At last uncle Matteo dies...
Il conte di Sant'Elmo
All for love
Taxi di notte
A taxi driver, with singing ambitions, finds an abandoned baby in his cab and begins to look for his mother. He doesn't find her but succeeds in finding two people who want to adopt the child.
Anna y Carlo se quieren, pero esta relación no le gusta a la madrasta de Anna. Tras una discusión, Carlo se marcha con Anna a Roma para recoger un dinero para casarse. Acusado injustamente de asesinato, Carlo es provisionalmente encarcelado al tiempo que Anna da a luz una niña. Pasan varios años y sale la sentencia definitiva para Carlo: 20 años de prisión. Anna, viendo que no va a poder sobrevivir sola con su hija, decide volver a casa de su padre, pero éste acaba de morir de un infarto. Su madrasta le dice que se hará cargo de la niña, tal como se lo prometió a su padre antes de morir, pero que ella debe marcharse. Ante la negativa de dejarla sola, Anna decide irse con su hija. A partir de este momento, empezará su tormento...
Cadenas invisibles
Rosa y Guglielmo están felizmente casados y todo les va muy bien, tienen dos hijos y un taller mecánico que pronto esperan ampliar. Un día aparece una persona con un coche, que acaba de robar, para que se lo repare. Como en ese momento no puede, por la noche aparece junto a su jefe para recoger el coche. Al salir Rosa al taller a darles el coche, el jefe la llama, es Emilio, su ex-novio del que Guglielmo no sabe nada.
City of Pain
Tras el Tratado de Paz de París de 1947 los territorios italianos de Istria y Dalmacia pasan a ser de la Yugoslavia de Tito, provocando el éxodo de la población italiana. En la ciudad de Pula, Berto decide quedarse, pero su mujer quiere irse.
How I Lost the War
Leo Bianchetti has just finished his military service but then is again called to arms; after 10 years on various fronts, he finds himself again in Italy to guard a bridge destroyes by the Germans that he doesn't want to leave.
Daniele Cortis
The film follows the struggles of an idealistic Catholic politician.
30 segundos de amor
Para no pagar una fuerte indemnización, una joven debe dar un beso al peatón que atropelló. Se resiste a ello pero la familia y su novio ven la conveniencia de que lo haga. Lo hace y su víctima no le dá el beso estipulado, indignada, corre tras él, comprendiendo que se ha enamorado.
Pronto, chi parla?
Professor, My Son
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
Professor, My Son
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
Eugenia Grandet
Eugenia is a daughter of a wealthy but miserly man living a simple life in the provincial town of Saumur. Eugenia's inexperience leads her to fall in love with an unworthy man.
Un americano in vacanza
Albergo Luna, camera 34
A young music teacher, after her house is burned down by a raid, has to go to a refugee camp with her old and sick mother. She is forced to sell everything she owns, while she is looking for a job as a singer. One night, tired and frustrated, she meets a man who invites her out for a drink. She accepts the invitation, stunned by the bunch of banknotes in his wallet. The man takes her to his room at the hotel Luna and seduces her. Before leaving, she robs him of his money and then walks hastily home, but in the meantime her mother has died. She meets a young maestro, who wants her to sing his songs. She seems to begin a happy, though hard, life together with the young maestro who wishes to marry her. The wicked man suddenly reappears and menaces to reveal their old encounter and that she is a thief, but he is later killed. The unfortunate lady is suspected of the crime, but at the end she is cleared of it and she can happily marry her maestro
Partenza ore 7
The young Chiaretta has joined, against the will of her family, a theater company in the magazine in the hope of being able to sing on the stage. Her fiancé chases her trying to make her change her mind and bring her home.
Partenza ore 7
The young Chiaretta has joined, against the will of her family, a theater company in the magazine in the hope of being able to sing on the stage. Her fiancé chases her trying to make her change her mind and bring her home.
Adán y la serpiente
Un hotel se vuelve muy popular cuando empiezan a circular rumores sobre un fantasma que deambula por sus pasillos.
The Misery of Mr. Travet
The ordinary life of the prudent employee Mr. Travet accelerates as he and her wife meet his new chief.
Life Begins Anew
A compelling portrayal of postwar Rome
Tutta la vita in ventiquattr'ore
Cuatro pasos por las nubes
A Paul, un vendedor ambulante, lo convence una joven embarazada, que conoce en el autobús, para que se haga pasar por su marido delante de su familia.
Stasera niente di nuovo
A singer saves a heavy alcoholic journalist. Fate has a new meeting for them: the two are found in a police station where she was brought with the accusation of prostitution.
If I Was Honest
The nephew of a wealthy nobleman, convicted for a forged check, is replaced in prison by a poor engineer. From the exchange of people derives a chain of misunderstandings and messes that ends out well.
Anything for the Woman
Rosas escarlatas
Alberto está felizmente casado con Maria. Un día recibe una llamada errónea que provocará una serie de malentendidos con su esposa.
Rosas escarlatas
Theatre Play
Alberto está felizmente casado con Maria. Un día recibe una llamada errónea que provocará una serie de malentendidos con su esposa.
Sette giorni all'altro mondo
Sette giorni all'altro mondo
Theatre Play
1000 km per minute!
Guido Renzi and his lawyer friend chase a beautiful girl to return a purse that he lost and after a long drive in the car reach the laboratory of an improvised astrophysicist - the girl's father - who, together with another scientist, is about to take off in the direction of Mars aboard a missile.
1000 km per minute!
Guido Renzi and his lawyer friend chase a beautiful girl to return a purse that he lost and after a long drive in the car reach the laboratory of an improvised astrophysicist - the girl's father - who, together with another scientist, is about to take off in the direction of Mars aboard a missile.
You Love Me, I Love You
Eravamo sette vedove
Eravamo sette vedove
Se quell'idiota ci pensasse...
Voce senza volto
La casa del peccato
Hanno rapito un uomo
Nonna Felicita
The Lady in White
The lawyer Giulio Gualandi plans yet another escapade in Viareggio while he is with his wife on holiday in Cervinia.
The Man Who Smiles
The Man Who Smiles
Theatre Play
Gli ultimi giorni di Pompeo
30 Seconds of Love
A married woman hits a pedestrian with her car who requests that she must perform a particular punishment as a penance.
30 Seconds of Love
A married woman hits a pedestrian with her car who requests that she must perform a particular punishment as a penance.
Milizia territoriale
I Don't Know You Anymore
After an argument with her husband, an unsatisfied wife suffers from selective amnesia. She doesn't recognize the man she married and calls her doctor husband instead.
La damigella di Bard
Venice Film Festival 1936
The monotonous life of a bourgeois family is disturbed by the announcement of the imminent return from America of Mr. Lohengrin, who had left Italy years earlier, leaving behind the reputation of being an irresistible womanizer. Lohengrin's cousin, worried about the stability of his marriage, convinces some relatives who live in the countryside to welcome the dreaded guest into their home and then, to avoid meeting him, leaves. Meanwhile, in the country house everyone eagerly awaits Lohengrin, and envy and spite are unleashed during the wait. In particular, while the young landlady prepares the house, the woman's husband begins to be tormented by jealousy. But the arrival of the long-awaited guest will be a huge disappointment for everyone: the once seductive man is now just an aged, with glasses and a prominent belly.
Oggi sposi
What Scoundrels Men Are!
Bruno, a chauffeur having some problem in keeping a job, meets one morning Mariuccia, a taxi driver’s daughter working as a perfumery’s shop assistant, and trying to impress her, pretending to be rich, uses his employer’s car to took her on a trip to the lakes, but things don’t work as planned and to conquer Mariuccia’s hearth won’t be so easy…
What Scoundrels Men Are!
Bruno, a chauffeur having some problem in keeping a job, meets one morning Mariuccia, a taxi driver’s daughter working as a perfumery’s shop assistant, and trying to impress her, pretending to be rich, uses his employer’s car to took her on a trip to the lakes, but things don’t work as planned and to conquer Mariuccia’s hearth won’t be so easy…
Based on a short story written by Novel Prize for Literature in 1894, Grazia Deladda, “La Grazia” is a classic Italian-drama that follows the story of the a man (Giorgio Bianchi) who fell in love with beautiful shepherdess (Carmen Boni). Separated by fate, the man had an accident on his way back to his wife. For years, absence of her husband has made the woman suffer. She takes care of her child while waiting for her husband’s return.
Il corsaro
Early Italian pirate adventure.