Joachim Dittrich


Jakob, el Mentiroso
Costume Design
La acción transcurre en 1944, en Polonia, con los judíos atrapados en un ghetto. Jakob es una de tantas personas desesperadas en ese lugar. Una tarde, cuando pasa cerca del cuartel de la Gestapo, escucha una radio, que anuncia la victoria rusa en su avance sobre Berlín. Corre a contarlo y su interlocutor cree que tiene una radio escondida con la que escucha las esperanzadoras victorias soviéticas. Al mismo tiempo, Jakob adopta a Lina, una huérfana, para esconderla de los nazis. Mientras, el médico anima a Jakob a que siga contando historias, pues estas les dan a los judíos una razón para vivir. En 1999, Peter Kassovitz dirigió un remake protagonizado por Robin Williams.
At a French Fireside
Costume Design
Bundeswehr soldier Klaus’ regiment is stationed in France, to take part in NATO maneuvers. The soldiers are ordered to be kind to the populace, since the West German High Command wishes the French to forget the atrocities that were committed during the Second World War. Klaus falls in love with Jeanne, the daughter of the local mayor. He discovers that his commanders intend to demolish the ruins of a local church, in which civilians were murdered by the German occupation forces at 1944. A local journalist who researches the event discovers that West German General Rucker ordered the massacre, but he is mysteriously murdered. Klaus defies his commanding officer Siebert, who instructs him to steal the documents indicting Rucker, and hands the evidence over to Jeanne.
Men and Beasts
Costume Design
The plot is based on the dramatic fate of the Red Army commander Aleksei Ivanovich Pavlov. Having been captured in January 1942 and being among the displaced persons, he didn't immediately decide to return to the USSR. Having rolled around the foreign country for 17 years, Aleksei nevertheless returned to his homeland. He goes to his brother in the south of the country to Sevastopol. Aleksei accidentally meets the doctor Anna Andreyevna, who was saved from death in besieged Leningrad. She travels by car from Moscow and also to the south, with her daughter Tanya; she suggests he join them. Aleksei tells about his life on the road.
Star-Crossed Lovers
Costume Design
Magdalena and Michael have loved each other since they were children. But when the Nazis come to power, Michael rebels against the regime and is sentenced to fifteen years in a concentration camp. Magdalena, meanwhile, goes underground with the help of a friend and later immigrates to the Soviet Union. Michael, who has joined the Red Army, discovers on the way to Moscow that Magdalena is staying there. But when his plane lands, she is already on her way back to Germany. Michael hopes that one day, he and Magdalena will be reunited.
Five Cartridges
Costume Design
It is the year 1936 and the Spanish Civil War is raging. When the German commander of an international brigade is badly wounded he gives his five comrades a message which he divides up and secretes into in five cartridges. All five shells must reach the battalion in order for the message to be relayed. But Frenchman Pierre can’t bear the heat of the Sierra. When he leaves their hide-out to drink from a well he is hit by an enemy bullet.
Im Sonderauftrag
Costume Design
Mich dürstet
Costume Design