Post Production Coordinator
Rio de Janeiro, April 18, 1945. Brazil's foreign policy aligns closely with that of the United States and opens a brief period of democratic rule after the end of World War 2. For years, hundreds of people were arrested and tortured by the Vargas regime. But with the external pressure, several political prisoners gain freedom.
Post Production Coordinator
Director y actor de teatro, Pedro (Wagner Moura) se enamora de Ana (Letícia Sabatella), actriz con quien actua como pareja en la obra “Tristan e Isolda”. Entre bastidores, la pareja resbala en los obstáculos del amor contemporáneo: pasión, celos, rutina… ¿Es posible un feliz amor recíproco? Antes de llegar a una conclusión, Pedro y Ana tendrán su trayectoria afectada por la carrera de ella _ que empieza a tener éxito en la TV _ estimulada por la empresaria Fernanda (Andréa Beltrão). El nuevo escenario abre paso para la entrada de Orlando/José de Arimatéia (Vladimir Brichta). Haciendo el papel de actor, protagonizará con Ana en un programa especial de televisión y, lo más importante, ganará su corazón.
Post Production Coordinator
Quatro amigos que só pensam em curtir a vida, com grandes farras, mulheres e bebidas, são surpreendidos com uma ação de despejo. Precisando de dinheiro, a turma é obrigada a pensar naquilo que mais abominam: trabalhar! A confusão está formada quando cada um busca um meio fácil de conseguir dinheiro, com o mínimo de esforço. Os dias se passam as confusões hilárias só aumentam!
Post Production Coordinator
Enio is a middle-aged man who lives in solitude after a failed relationship. Pedro, 30, dates Teresa, who is moving to her home. He inherited a carpentry from his father and a taste for the pool. When a traffic accident crosses the parallel trajectories of the two, the imponderable imposes itself and the uncontrol begins.
Post Production Coordinator
In São Paulo, in the late 1960s, the convent of the Dominican friars became a trench of resistance to the military dictatorship that governs Brazil. Moved by Christian ideals, frets Betto, Oswaldo, Fernando, Ivo and Tito came to support the guerrilla group Ação Libertadora Nacional, commanded by Carlos Marighella.
Post Production Coordinator
Determined to escape their poverty-stricken lives, four talented young women living on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, Brazil, form an all-female rap group but find their road to success is riddled with sexism, racism, and violence. One by one, they succumb to their grim realities...until they discover that out of struggle come strength, and out of strength, the courage to continue on.
Post Production Coordinator
In northern Brazil, Hermila patiently waits for her husband. However, he has abandoned her. Sexy, restless and resolute, she raffles off "a night in paradise" with herself. This beautifully-shot portrait doesn't shy away from the burdens of a young scarred woman, but it also celebrates her courage to live according to her own rules.
Post Production Coordinator
After many flops, theatrical producer decides to stage a former hit, "O Mistério de Irma Vap". But he is going to face many problems to find the right actors and get the necessary permissions.
Post Coordinator
After many flops, theatrical producer decides to stage a former hit, "O Mistério de Irma Vap". But he is going to face many problems to find the right actors and get the necessary permissions.