Mique Nelson
Nelson joined Walt Disney Studio's background department in 1931.
Background Designer
Una elaborada fantasía onírica basada en el popular poema infantil de tres niños jugando y flotando entre las estrellas. Los tres niños dormidos navegan en su bote de zapatos; se detienen brevemente en una nube, luego tienen varios problemas con sus líneas de pesca (uno aterriza en una estrella parecida a un pez que termina retorciéndose en sus pantalones).
Background Designer
La malvada madrastra de la princesa Blancanieves decide deshacerse de ella porque no puede soportar que la belleza de la joven sea superior a la de ella. Sin embargo, Blancanieves consigue salvarse y se refugia en la cabaña de los siete enanitos. A pesar de todo, su cruel madrastra consigue encontrarla y la envenena con una manzana. Pero la princesa no está muerta, sólo dormida, a la espera de que un príncipe azul la rescate.
Background Designer
El corto muestra a los habitantes de un antiguo molino abandonado mientras se preparan para la noche y la tormenta que se aproxima. 68º de los 75 cortos que forman las Silly Symphonies de Disney.
Background Designer
El lobo feroz tiene ayuda para intentar atrapar a los tres cerditos: sus tres cachorros. 60º de los 75 cortos que forman las Silly Symphonies de Disney. (FILMAFFINITY)
Background Designer
The title character comes to town, complete with portable boxing ring. He grabs a local chicken and dances with her, inspiring several other barnyard animals to dance. But her rooster takes offense, and enters the ring to do battle.
Background Designer
A pet shop specializing in birds. The various caged birds chirp along to the score in their various styles (including a set of birds that looks like the Marx Brothers). A cat eyes the proceedings hungrily and makes his way in through an open transom, causing panic and an organized counterattack.
Background Designer
La película comienza con una gallina sentada sobre sus huevos de los que nacen seis pollitos. Aunque inicialmente estaba muy contenta, su estado de ánimo cambia a disgusto cuando del último huevo eclosiona un patito. Aunque el patito intenta desesperadamente ganarse la aceptación de su familia adoptiva, la madre gallina es inflexible en su negativa a cuidar a un bebé que ni siquiera es de su especie, y mucho menos ni siquiera de ella.
Background Designer
It's morning in the English countryside and time for the gentry to participate in their favorite sport: the fox hunt. The eccentric gentlemen come in all shapes and sizes, the fat ones putting the greatest strain on the horses. The craziest things happen to the monocled hunters. One even gets knocked off his horse when it jumps over a brick wall. He shoots straight up into the air and, thanks to a parachute hidden in his clothes, makes a gentle landing. But instead of the ground, he lands on a cow. Upset by her unwanted passenger, she takes off at top speed, finally dumping him in a mud puddle, where he lands on a pig and continues his wacky ride. Meanwhile, the poor fox finally gets trapped in a hollow log. Dogs to the left of him, dogs to the right! Luckily, the beleaguered creature gets help from a certain powerful, and pungent, friend.
Background Designer
A kitchen is filled with houseflies. A spider wakes up and plays his web like a harp, attracting a pair of them; the female is trapped, and the male summons the cavalry, which arrives riding horseflies, riding dragonflies to drop pepper bombs, firing champagne bottles, and ultimately setting the web on fire and catching the spider on flypaper when he falls.
Background Designer
The various clocks and watches in a clock store dance, ring alarms musically, and otherwise entertain us in an after hours presentation.
Background Designer
Una araña cruza el desierto y llega al interior de una pirámide...