Yoshimi Watabe


First Love
Lighting Technician
Un joven boxeador y una prostituta quedan atrapados en un plan de tráfico de drogas durante una noche en Tokio.
Fortuna's Eye
Shinichiro Kiyama is completely alone in the world. One day, he realizes he possesses "Fortuna's Eye", an ability through which people whose death is drawing near appear transparent to him. It is a gift that torments him. Then he meets a cheerful, optimistic girl Aoi Kiryu who makes him feel at ease. Shinichiro develops feelings for her, but after a brief period of happiness, Aoi's body suddenly starts turning transparent.
Laplace's Witch
La policía interroga a un analista ambiental sobre dos muertes por envenenamiento con sulfuro de hidrógeno para averiguar si se trata de un accidente o un asesinato.
Yakuza Apocalypse
Lighting Technician
Kagayama es un débil subalterno leal al legendario jefe de la yakuza Kamiura, que resulta ser un vampiro. Cuando un asesino de un sindicato internacional llega a Japón para entregar un ultimatum, kamiura es asesinado. Pero no antes de llegar a morder a Kagayama, y su subalterno ya convertido en vampiro buscará venganza contra un formidable equipo de asesinos.
Akumu-chan The Movie
New student Kanji transfers to 6th grade 2 class, where Ayami Mutoi works as the homeroom teacher. Students begin to talk among themselves that they have seen new transfer student Kanji in a dream. Yuiko Koto also had a night mare. In her nightmare, a boy that looks transfer student Kanji appeared as a prince. Ayami Mutoi tries to keep that to herself. She actually likes the prince in her dream.
Lesson of the Evil
Hasumi Seiji , un profesor muy querido por sus alumnos y de plena confianza para sus compañeros, es en realidad un psicópata. Nació sin la capacidad de empatizar con los demás. Aun así todo va bien, en su vida personal y profesional, intenta pasar desapercibido y vivir una vida mas o menos normal, hasta que empieza a ser intimidado, a tener diversos problemas en el trabajo, en el instituto.
Rinco's Restaurant
Lighting Technician
After a bad breakup, a young woman returns to her hometown and opens a menuless restaurant. A young woman in her mid 20's becomes so heart broken she loses her voice. To recover, the woman decides to go back to her hometown and stay with her free-spirited mother whom she has not been very close to in the past. The young woman then decides to open a restaurant which accepts only one customer a day, allowing for thoughtful preparation for that customer.
Elevator Trap
Lighting Technician
Japanese film directed by Keisuke Horibe. Three seemingly unacquainted men and a woman find themselves trapped in an elevator. As the hours pass and the level of anxiety rise, we realize the elevator trap is in fact a trap, but hatched by which of the parties and for what motive?
Mahjong Hishoden: Ryu the Caller
There is a man, who always win a mahjong game... His name is Ryu the Caller.