Naoki Soma


Love in the Time of Petalo
Art Designer
Art Direction
El director de una compañía de teatro está en crisis y sus actores han perdido la confianza en él. Un día, conoce a una mujer que usa los mismos zapatos que él, lo que inmediatamente provoca química entre los dos.
The Big Bee
Art Direction
Set in 1995. A helicopter, operated remotely, is hovering in the sky over a nuclear power plant. The power company, prefectural government and media all receive a fax. The fax contains a threat that if the nuclear power plant is not taken offline the helicopter will be dropped. 8 hours is given as the deadline. Making the situation even more dire, a young child is in the helicopter.
Art Direction
A major advertising festival is held each year to determine the best television commercial in the world. A rookie ad man at a big advertising company named Otan is selected as a judge on the festival jury. Meanwhile, a coworker also named Ota (although the Japanese characters are slightly different) poses as his wife so that he can attend an open party which is held nightly. Knowing that he’ll get fired if his company doesn’t win the Grand Prix, he’s forced to resort to a variety of desperate tactics.
Arakawa Under the Bridge
Production Design
Riku, the heir to a corporate conglomerate, is determined to go through life never owing anything to anyone on principle. However, one day he nearly drowns in a river and is saved by a homeless girl named Nino. To repay his debt, he begins living together with her on the banks of the river as her lover.
Production Design
May 9, 2003 - The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launches its unmanned spacecraft Hayabusa into orbit. Its mission is to collect samples from a near Earth asteroid named 25143 Itokawa. Hayabusa is scheduled to make contact with the asteroid in November 2005. As the spacecraft approaches its rendezvous date with the asteroid problems arise for the JAXA staff back on Earth.
Production Design
Adaptación de un manga homónimo. Cuenta una historia relacionada estrechamente con la música, sigue los inicios de una banda de rock, y sus pormenores, centrándose sobre todo en Koyuki, un joven estudiante de instituto que de la noche a la mañana, y tras conocer a un tipo llamado Ryuusuke, se adentra en el mundo de la música.
20th century boys: Cap. 3 Redención
Art Direction
Tras los terribles eventos ocurridos en el 2015, Amigo se ha convertido finalmente en líder mundial. Su poder supremo es inapelable, y la vida de todos los seres humanos pasa por la obediencia ciega al gran líder. No obstante, las fuerzas de la resistencia, encabezadas por Yoshitsune, Yukiji y Otcho, continúan luchando para lograr desenmascararle. Y más aún cuando se anuncia un nuevo cataclismo, el Juicio Final definitivo, que arrasará con toda vida humana en la Tierra en el 2017. Sus esfuerzos y los de Kanna tendrán que redoblarse en una mortal cuenta atrás para salvar el planeta, y detener definitivamente a Amigo. Sólo un milagro podrá salvarles, y resolver el gran misterio final que les ha mantenido al borde del abismo desde hace 20 años: ¿quién se esconde tras la máscara de Amigo?. Tercera y última parte de la trilogía que adapta el manga de culto 20th Century Boys.
Where The Legend Lives
Production Design
Kohei Miyazaki (Naoto Takenaka), a former railroad worker, has become obsessed with discovering the ancient country of Yamataikoku. His obsession sprouted from a day when he discovered ancient ceramics while repairing railroad tracks. Now completely blind, Kohei relies on his wife (Sayuri Yoshinaga) to guide him through the country and read the maps in their pursuit of Yamataikoku.
Shaolin Girl
Production Design
Rin, una chica con un poder tremendo, es enviada al Templo Shaolin para aprender a controlar su poder interno, que de mostrarlo completamente, podría se devastador. Un spin-off de la famosa película de Stephen Chow: Shaolin Soccer. Protagonizada por Kou Shibasaki (Dororo), nos encontramos con la misma premisa que la película original, el kung fu adaptado al deporte, esta vez, al hockey femenino (Lacrosse).