Agata Gorządek


Mátalo y abandona esta ciudad
El personaje principal, que perdió a los que más le importaban, trata de escapar de la desesperación escondiéndose en un lugar seguro lleno de recuerdos. Con los años, una gran ciudad se forma en su imaginación. Héroes de la literatura y dibujos animados de su infancia llegan a poblarla sin ser invitados. Cuando el protagonista descubre que todos se han vuelto viejos y que la eterna juventud no existe, decide volver a la realidad.
Of Unwanted Things and People
A writer - sympathetic older man with a beard and red glasses - had kids at an older age than usual. As they run around the house, he wonders. What if he dies before they grow up? Can he leave something to them? He sets to write: about a man who finds a thrown-away book able to bring the reader back in time... About two boys who discover a hut that nobody wants, where fantastic monsters used to live... About two orphans and their strange aunt who turns into a cat when no one sees her... About a lonely man who knows how to fly and becomes king of birds... Maybe kids will learn from these stories that have one thing in common - they're all about the hidden value “Of Unwanted Things and People”.