The first installment of a cinematic universe where M. G Srinivas will be reprising his role as Mahesh Das from Birbal Trilogy Case 1: Finding Vajramuni.
An action packed heist thriller, directed by Srini, tells the story of one man's quest for justice. This apart the film offers a link to the second installment of "Birbal Trilogy", the director's awaited legal thriller.
A story of a bunch of college friends who reunite after many years. It focuses on their college life, leading to the responsibilities of adulthood and their struggle to find solace amidst their complex relationships.
La tierra empapada de sangre de Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) ahora tiene un nuevo señor supremo. Rocky, cuyo nombre infunde miedo en el corazón de sus enemigos. Sus aliados admiran a Rocky como su salvador, el gobierno lo ve como una amenaza para la ley y el orden; los enemigos claman venganza y conspiran para su caída.
Vijayaratha is a suspense thriller which follows a guy on a race against time to save a life, even as the world around him starts falling apart. Directed by Ajay Surya, the film stars Vasanth Kalyan and Arpitha Gowda in central roles.