Clarissa Ambach


The movie tells a true story in the life of well-known German actor Manfred Krug. Living in the German Democratic Republic he is forced to leave the country after protesting against the expatriation of singer/songwriter Wolf Biermann in 1976.
Der Hauptmann von Köpenick
Kein Pardon
Since childhood Peter Schlönzke dreams of a career as a TV presenter. His great role model is Heinz Wäscher, who is always looking for talented young entertainers for his popular show. Peters mother announces her shy boy for an audition, which, although mercilessly goes wrong, but brings him a job as a cable helper. He meets the popular entertainer from the unlikely side: as a bus scrapper who despises his audience. When Peter stumbles into the limelight by chance, he has a unique chance - as successor to scrubber.
Richy Guitar
Non-Stop Trouble with my Double
A wealthy businessman and the owner of a rundown pub share one thing in common - they look like identical twins! When the businessman hears of a plot against him, he hires the pub owner as a decoy. However, the pub owner is accident prone and causes more trouble than he is worth. An action-packed, physical comedy.
Der Auslöser
After Midnight
The Political drama shows the denunciation and persecution of the 19-year-old Sanne in the Nazi state. After she falls in love with her cousin, Sanne is betrayed by her jealous aunt to the Gestapo.
In 1939, Charlotte Salomon leaves Berlin to seek refuge at her grandparents' villa in the south of France. A little later, war breaks out, and Charlotte must, besides forgetting all she left behind, deal with her grandmother's depression, and her mother's suicide. To fight despair, Charlotte starts to paint, producing over one thousand images. "Is my life real, or is it theater?" This is the title she gives her body of work, which highlights her former life in Berlin. She finds herself though her art, but in 1943 is deported to Germany and Auschwitz.
Big and Little
Follows a woman, Lotte, who travels through Germany and seeks human connections, but is unsuccessful as every person she encounters is locked into his own world. Based on the play by Botho Strauß.
Description of an Island
This film with a marked ethnographic nature, which was filmed without a pre-established plan and with a script that crosses the lines of documentary and fiction, tells the story of a group of five Germans who arrive on a remote island in the South Pacific called Parapara and belonging to Vanuatu. Their aim is to prepare a publication on the lives of the inhabitants of this remote island. The tasks were personally assigned: one would study the language, another would study the fauna; another the traditions, institutions and family systems; another the plants and another the songs and stories. However, the blind trust in the western scientific objective clashes head-on with the values and customs of the natives. Therefore, from the very beginning, the head of the tribe does not cease to ask and express his surprise regarding some foreigners “who have not come to rob his land”.
Loosely adapted from Goethe's novel on the social conventions of marriage raised to level of symbolic parable.
Eugenie de Sade
Eugenie, una muchacha hermosa pero muy tímida, vive con su padrastro, un escritor famoso especializado en literatura erótica. Un día, lee uno de sus libros y se enamora perdidamente de él. Su padrastro la arrastra a un oscuro mundo de perversión sexual y asesinato.
¿Qué habéis hecho con Solange?
Henry es un joven profesor de italiano en una escuela inglesa para mujeres. A pesar de estar casado, flirtea con una de sus alumnas. En uno de sus paseos, a orillas del Támesis, la chica ve algo extraño entre la vegetación. El profesor no le cree, pero poco después halla el cadáver de Hilda, una compañera de clase de su alumna. El comisario Barth se encarga del caso y pronto comienza a sospechar del profesor, quien se ve en el dilema de decir lo que sabe a costa de revelar su amorío con la joven.
She Killed in Ecstasy
Un joven médico se suicida después de que un comité médico termina su investigación sobre embriones humanos, considerándolo demasiado inhumano. Luego, su esposa busca vengarse de aquellos que llevaron a su esposo a su muerte al atraer a cada miembro del comité a situaciones comprometedoras y luego matarlos uno por uno.
Vampyros Lesbos
En una isla desierta, en donde antaño tuvo su residencia el Doctor Orloff, vive ahora su hija, Nadia (Soledad Miranda), que recibe la visita de un hombre que le trae un testamento, por el que la joven heredará, la mansión del conde Drácula, de quien es última descendiente. La aparición de diversos cadáveres, en los últimos meses, hace sospechar a un inspector de policía de Estambul, de la existencia de un vampiro. Sus investigaciones le llevarán hasta Nadia, que debe parte de su juventud a la sangre de sus bellas amantes.
El diablo que vino de Akasawa
En la ciudad africana de Akasawa se ha descubierto una extraña sustancia que ciega a las personas. Varias personas, representando diferentes intereses internacionales, combaten por hacerse con ella y un agente del servicio británico llega para investigar el caso, con el pretexto de hacer turismo.