Trae Ireland
Nacimiento : 1978-04-08, Chicago, Illinois, USA
The movie centers on two hunters, friends for years and vying for the affections of the same woman, who find themselves on cursed land and keep killing each other and coming back to life.
Tres niños buscaron tener la noche de Halloween más legendaria de la historia. Su aventura de truco o trato los lleva a la casa de la leyenda del pueblo local "Scary Mary". Las leyendas dicen que ella es una mujer de pura maldad, pero una cosa es cierta: conoce las historias espeluznantes adecuadas para dar a estos tres niños el susto de su vida. Compartiendo seis historias únicas que llevarán a los niños por un camino misterioso hacia lo inesperado.
Frank Wright, owner of Cannabis Hood News, is about to lose the station in a divorce settlement to his Bougie Bitchie wife Pam Wright unless he can come up with brilliant plan quick to keep it.
La historia gira en torno a un complejo de alto secreto para oficiales de inteligencia estadounidenses jubilados. Un grupo de criminales liderados por Balzary violan el recinto, empeñados en vengarse de Robert, lo que obliga al oficial retirado y a su hijo a salvar el día.
Jonas Johnson
A mother plays the role of a matchmaker at her 50th birthday celebration to her son and his ex-girlfriend. All hell breaks loose when her son brings his unexpected new fiancé to the party.
Peter Pop-On
What's done in the dark may come to light this Christmas. Nikki, a habitual stoner facing the turmoil of turning 30 all while enduring the pressure of starting a family from her overzealous mother. A fed-up Nikki agrees to foster the lie of being pregnant with her pretentious boyfriend.
A man in a committed relationship turns his love life upside-down when he accepts a $50,000 bet about getting a date with his celebrity crush.
Una antología, basada en los cómics del mismo nombre de Glenn Danzig, en la que lo erótico y lo horrible se combinan para crear múltiples cuentos macabros de sed de sangre, asesinatos, lo oculto y lo prohibido.
Stu Pembleton
Ten years after graduation, a mini-reunion is organized by Tom and Jill Miller at their home, inviting only the special friends that were in their clique and one fringe member, Bobby Zwick, whom they had done a terrible wrong. Bobby said all was forgiven, but he was not telling the truth.
Pierre Jackson
In the midst of an arduous divorce battle, a real estate tycoon opts for a life of partying and sex until feelings for his childhood friend surface.
In the midst of an arduous divorce battle, a real estate tycoon opts for a life of partying and sex until feelings for his childhood friend surface.
Officer Robert Brown
An actress becomes obsessed with internet fame after her manager drops her for not having enough of a social media presence.
De los creadores de After The Dawn, L.A. Maniac, Play Hooky y Dirty B.O. , PARANOIA TAPES es una película de metraje encontrado que seguramente te pondrá al borde de tus asientos con la inspiración de historias reales.
Rob Gordon
Una pesadilla surrealista comienza cuando Audra, una estudiante universitaria, es secuestrada por una familia trastornada y disfuncional. Audra se da cuenta de que la única manera de sobrevivir es escapar. Pero incluso si pudiera escapar a través de las casi 200 millas de desierto que se interponen entre entre ella y una posible ayuda.
Cuando un culto sobrenatural amenaza la Tierra, Alice debe reunir un equipo de villanos de cuento para hacer frente a las fuerzas literales de la Muerte.
Ron D
Four married friends buy a condo to share as a bachelor pad, a place to bring their mistresses, until the wives and girlfriends bust the cheating spouses.
Stephan Johnson
When a young woman accepts a position as a receptionist, she finds herself falling for the boss, and entering a world of drama and danger.
Shane Langston
This romantic comedy is a story that emphasizes the importance of commitment, true love and breaking old love patterns in order to create new beginnings.
A woman fights to get her life back after being in Three different abusive relationships. Will she find love in the end? Director
Angel Terron
Angel Terron
Rob BennettAlexx FosterTrae Ireland
Durante milenios, los calendarios han añadido un día extra cada cuatro años. Al hacerlo, violaron el antiguo calendario maya. Ahora estamos en el mes 13 del año 13 del nuevo milenio, y los pocos que sobreviven a luchar contra un mundo de demonios.
Alonzo (uncredited)
Una auxiliar de vuelo ha mantenido diversas relaciones a lo largo de su vida. Sin embargo, para ella resulta un problema ser la única integrante de su familia que nunca se ha casado, por lo que decide realizar un largo viaje recorriendo treinta mil millas durante un mes en busca de un marido adecuado.
After narrowly escaping with her life at the hands of her mentally ill sister Veronica, Monica, with the help of her Mother, Marion, has taken great measures to ensure her safety, including changing her face and relocating to the South. Six years has past and now she finally believes she is safe from Veronica. Little does she know that death and betrayal still await her and her friends on the eve of her wedding at a southern plantation house rumored to be haunted by 13 murdered slaves. This time no one is safe and everyone is a suspect as killing becomes addictive.
James Cleaver
Members of a dysfunctional family settle their differences after a series of misadventures during their summer reunion
Bank Guy
Two teens from opposite sides of the track come face to face one summer night. One of them committed murder- a question of race and class comes into play when you ask yourself who you think did it and why?
Roger Porter
An R&B singer snagged by the trappings of superstardom loses his way and turns his back on his church and faith-filled beginnings. Tragedy strikes, leaving a chance for redemption in its wake. But with rebirth, first comes death.
Post-Production Manager
Tres jóvenes que acaban de terminar la secundaria deciden hacer el viaje de sus vidas. Viajarán a Nueva Orleans, para vivir y celebrar el Mardi Gras, donde las mujeres se desnudan por collares y el alcohol fluye por las calles como si de las aguas de Venecia se tratara. Allí buscarán cumplir todos sus deseos y fantasías, pero las cosas no saldrán como habían previsto...
Darrin is traumatized by a horrific event he witnessed as a child. Now 25, he and his brother Sean travel to Italy to visit an old friend, but the trip turns into a nightmare when a walk in the woods forces him to confront his childhood demons.
Associate Producer
El entierro de un patriarca conduce a una serie de acontecimientos de familia, revelando secretos oscuros y posiblemente hasta criminales. Todo comienza cuando los miembros de una familia americana se reúnen para despedir juntos al amado esposo y padre de familia recién fallecido. Todo transcurre en un entretenido día en el que, a medida que los miembros de la familia van llegando a la casa familiar, revelaciones escandalosas, resentimientos purulentos, sucias amenazas, chantajes y un cadáver mal encaminado desatarán un caos mortífero y desenfrenado...
Executive Producer
El entierro de un patriarca conduce a una serie de acontecimientos de familia, revelando secretos oscuros y posiblemente hasta criminales. Todo comienza cuando los miembros de una familia americana se reúnen para despedir juntos al amado esposo y padre de familia recién fallecido. Todo transcurre en un entretenido día en el que, a medida que los miembros de la familia van llegando a la casa familiar, revelaciones escandalosas, resentimientos purulentos, sucias amenazas, chantajes y un cadáver mal encaminado desatarán un caos mortífero y desenfrenado...
Associate Producer
El crimen perfecto, sin víctimas, sin violencia e indetectable, se tuerce fatalmente en Blindado, un thriller lleno de acción donde todo es posible. Un grupo de guardias de seguridad que escoltan un camión blindado ejecuta un meticuloso plan para robar a la compañía de seguridad para la que trabaja, pero cuando el plan, aparentemente perfecto, comienza a salir mal, los hombres, en su intento desesperado por salvarse, se vuelven los unos contra los otros.
El crimen perfecto, sin víctimas, sin violencia e indetectable, se tuerce fatalmente en Blindado, un thriller lleno de acción donde todo es posible. Un grupo de guardias de seguridad que escoltan un camión blindado ejecuta un meticuloso plan para robar a la compañía de seguridad para la que trabaja, pero cuando el plan, aparentemente perfecto, comienza a salir mal, los hombres, en su intento desesperado por salvarse, se vuelven los unos contra los otros.
With one more day of parole left, J.T. vows to play by the book. But when he finds out his mom will lose their home unless they come up with a serious amount of money, J.T. takes a chance by entering a lowrider contest that violates his parole.
Inspired by his fiancée (who dumped him), a man publishes a break-up handbook for men, becoming a bestselling author in the process.
A man's potential rap career is at odds with his wife's ticking biological clock in this 2002 film from director Paul Wynne. Aaron Spears stars as Michael, a young married man struggling with the idea of becoming a father when fame comes knocking in the form of a hip-hop star impressed with Michael's skills on the mic. Will he choose fame and fortune or the stable life of parenthood? Music star Mystikal makes his acting debut.
The courts of Englewood are as far removed from the hollowed halls of justice as a street ball player can imagine, but when a pickup game ends in death, the quest for revenge proves that even on the street there's a code of honor. Reggie's best friend is dead, and the pain of his loss leads the hardened player on a quest to ensure that the killer pays for his crime. Upon tracking the killer to a gym, Reggie enters, gun in hand and ready to avenge his friend's death. As the other players declare that no one will die on their court without a fair trial, they listen to both sides of the story to determine if justice will be served with a bullet, or whether the suspected killer will live to play another game.