Rolf Eden

Rolf Eden

Nacimiento : 1930-02-06, Berlin, Germany


Rolf Eden


Dragan Wende - West Berlin
Dragan Wende has lived in Berlin since the '70s and has seen the city change through the years. His nephew comes to live with him as Dragan remembers the better days he lived as a Yugoslavian immigrant in a divided city.
Cuando el amor se va
El mundo de Christine se derrumba cuando se separa de su marido después de 15 años de matrimonio. Desmoralizada, decide hacer las maletas y mudarse a Hamburgo con una amiga
The Final Farewell
Tom Goldmann
The Big Eden
Rolf Eden is Germany’s last playboy. As ‘king of disco’ he launched the first beauty contests popularising DJing and striptease in prudish West Germany. Father of seven children of seven different women, he has danced with the Rolling Stones and Ella Fitzgerald in his clubs. Rolf Eden is a larger than life octogenarian with long, blond hair… his girlfriend is younger than his grandchild. This unflinching conviction was essential for Eden when he, coming from a Jewish background, entered the German entertainment business of the 1950s. Leaving Israel via Paris, he returned to post war Germany to open a nightclub on West Berlin famous Boulevard Kudamm, decidedly blocking out the country’s recent dark history.
Richy Guitar
Manager Hecht
Salut la puce
Robert Dumortier and his son "La Puce" live on a barge moored to an island of the Seine and Robert dreams of cruising remote and exotic seas.
Strike Back
Dave knows what it is to suffer. Especially when he takes the rap for a gang of motorbike thieves and ends up in jail. All for the love of Corinna, his beautiful girlfriend. Refused parole and nearly insane with frustration he makes a violent escape to be with her and strike back.
Three Lederhosen in St. Tropez
A comedy about three Bavarian guys who are traveling to Saint Tropez.
La conspiración del uranio
Dos agentes secretos aúnan sus esfuerzos profesionales para desbaratar el contrabando que se comete en las minas de Uranio del Zaire.
Operación relámpago
Air France Co-Pilot
Narra la historia real del secuestro de un avión de pasajeros de Air France por un grupo de terroristas, la reclusión y posterior rescate de los rehenes.
La brigada del inspector Bogart
Antonio Gotvalles es un joven con un caracter violento e irascible que incluso ha sido expulsado de un famoso burdel por maltratar a las chicas. Una noche roba una gran cantidad de joyas y vuelve al burdel, regentado por Madame Collette, pidiendo ver a Francine, una de las chicas, la Madame viendo que el chico trae consigo suficiente dinero lo deja entrar. En su encuentro con Francine empiezan a discutir, Antonio golpea a Francine repetidas veces de forma violenta y sale huyendo del burdel. A los pocos minutos las demás chicas descubren que Francine ha sido asesinada. El Inspector Bogart se encargara del caso y el principal sospechoso es Antonio, pero en su huida de la policía este tiene un accidente con su moto perdiendo la vida. La policía cree el caso resuelto pero el Inspector no las tiene todas consigo, maxime cuando otra de las prostitutas resulta asesinada, así que empieza una investigación con varios sospechosos en su lista.
Soft Shoulders, Sharp Curves
A couple of young men and women have lovemaking on their mind. They decide to try to make it at 25 spots within a week. Several motorcycles and mopeds are involved.
Virgin Report
Film de Jesús Franco que indaga sobre la pérdida de la inocencia sexual, abarcando diversos ritos de desfloración a lo largo de la historia.
St. Pauli Nachrichten: Thema Nr. 1
Me, a Groupie
Una hermosa rubia se engancha con una estrella de rock, y después de una noche de sexo y drogas, se va. Ella, sin embargo, se ha enamorado locamente de él, y sale con su novia por toda Europa para localizarlo. En el camino, sin embargo, se mezcla con todos, desde una pandilla de moteros desagradables hasta un círculo de adoradores del diablo.
We Two
R.S. Eden
Two former lovers start a new relationship.
Should a Schoolgirl Tell?
Fotograf Ricci
Schoolgirl Josefine learns from an early age to use sex to gain advantages. The school's gym teacher is arrested and accused of indecent behavior but the court dismisses the case when Josefine uses her female charm on the jurors.
Sinai Commados
Lt. Moshe Kramer
At the start of the 1967 Six-Day War (June 5-10) between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations, a team of eight Israeli commandos, with their female boat captain in tow, are sent on a suicide mission deep into the Sinai to destroy an important Arab radar station at Sharm El Sheikh to pave way for the main invading Israeli forces.
Hinterhöfe der Liebe
Richard Kowalski
Un muy dinámico Udo Kier, que interpreta Pohlmann, un adolescente que ha creado una pandilla para obtener dinero a cambio de protección, se enamora de una bailarina exótica. La chica es asesinada y Pohlmann busca venganza. Investiga en las caravanas que se utilizan como los burdeles móviles, amenaza a todo el mundo, se reúne con los más violentos - en general, se comporta como deben comportarse los chicos malos.
Naked and Free... The New Life Style
Walter Bergman is a boring old travel agent. One day while away on a business trip, he starts hanging out with a group of young swingers.
Pension Clausewitz
St. Pauli Between Night and Morning
Helmut Schmidt is an ambitious Interpol inspector. He follows a trail of dangerous drug dealers that leads to Hamburg. With the colleagues there, he decides to infiltrate the gang. The beautiful dancer Arlette helps him.
The Black Market of Love
The young women who board a liner in the port of Genoa have no idea that they are being watched, nor what actually awaits them. Harald, who had recruited them for the trip with false promises, watches unnoticed, but cannot enjoy his success, because there are many people interested in the lucrative business with the girls, who are to be forced into prostitution. After two gangsters shoot the shady Lemaire, who had previously blackmailed Harald, he can return unmolested to Berlin to his compagnon Rolf, but the competition remains on his heels and threatens to disrupt the business.
The Racetrack Murders
Ed Ranova's Bodyguard
The son of a British racehorse owner conspires with a bookie to ruin the odds of his father's thoroughbred winning an important event.
El testamento del Dr. Mabuse
El director de un asilo para enfermos mentales es dominado por el malvado genio del Dr. Mabuse.
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