Lucia Mascino

Lucia Mascino

Nacimiento : 1977-01-27, Ancona, Marche, Italy


Lucia Mascino
Lucia Mascino
Lucia Mascino
Lucia Mascino
Lucia Mascino
Lucia Mascino
Lucia Mascino
Lucia Mascino
Lucia Mascino
Lucia Mascino


I delitti del BarLume - Resort Paradiso
I delitti del BarLume - E allora zumba!
Vittoria Fusco
I delitti del BarLume - Indovina chi?
Vittoria Fusco
Il grande giorno
I delitti del BarLume - Compro Oro
Vittoria Fusco
Il battello ebbro
Preghiera della sera (Diario di una passeggiata)
The film recounts an experience, that of a director and his two actors at grips with a play: from the first meeting to the initial readings, the rehearsals done at home, the ones done on stage and finally the first performance. But an experience that took place in the peculiar situation in which the whole of Italian culture found itself in the days between the first and second wave of the pandemic, when it really seemed possible to restart and the feeling of euphoria was accompanied by the illusion that the worst was behind us. Once again we were suddenly checked in our desire for beauty, for life.
I delitti del BarLume - Tana libera tutti
Vittoria Fusco
De Vacaciones en Marte
We are in 2030, and on vacation we go to Mars! Having made his wife and son Giulio lose his tracks for years, Fabio (Christian De Sica) is about to marry the wealthy Bea on Mars. But what could happen if during an excursion into space, something goes wrong and Giulio suddenly becomes a sprightly old man (Massimo Boldi)? Between hilarious unexpected events and amusing misunderstandings, Fabio will find himself dealing with a seventy-year-old son and a marriage that is in danger of jumping ...
I Hate Summer
Barbara , la moglie di Giacomo
Tres familias terminan en la misma casa alquilada. A lo largo del verano, se hacen amigos y redescubren cómo disfrutar de la vida.
I delitti del BarLume - Donna con le palle
Vittoria Fusco
I delitti del BarLume - Donne con le palle
Effetto domino
Alessandra Guarnieri
In a thermal bath town that withstands mass tourism, a builder and his surveyor partner start up an ambitious project: converting twenty abandoned hotels into luxury residences for wealthy retired people. The lack of financial support from the banks and investors triggers a domino effect in their destiny that forever subverts reality.
Parents in Progress
Simona is a single mother in her early ‘40s who is wholly devoted to her son, Filippo. To get over her insecurities as a parent and make her son happy on his eighth birthday, she decides to throw him a birthday party in their small flat and invite over his school friends and their parents. For Simona, this birthday is about to pose quite the surprising dilemma between allowing her son to embrace his true self and a mother’s fierce desire to protect her child from their potentially cruel surroundings. This is the last conundrum she was expecting to have to face on a day that is already rife with anxiety.
Don't Stop Me Now
Paola, una mujer moderna acostumbrada a las dificultades de la vida moderna, aprovecha su oportunidad para hacer las cosas bien para ella.
Mia Martini - I Am Mia
The movie is a biopic about Mia Martini, an italian singer who died in 1995.
La prima pietra
Mrs. Emerald
Dos amas de casa en Estados Unidos en la década de 1950, la Sra. Fairytale y su mejor amiga, la Sra. Emerald, se encuentran todos los días para compartir sus vidas tranquilas y burguesas, pero la fachada de perfección se desmorona lentamente para revelar terribles secretos.
I delitti del BarLume - La battaglia navale
Vittoria Fusco
I delitti del BarLume - Un due tre stella!
Vittoria Fusco
Claudia and Flavio were once passionately in love, but all of that is over. Now, in their fifties, they must venture anew into the world of love and dating once more but for Claudia confronting the end and accepting a new beginning isn’t so easy. Claudia is unwilling to let go and forget the life she’s built with Flavio, while Flavio, eager to move on, soon finds himself in a relationship with a much younger woman. Claudia soon reconnects with Nina, a student from her days as a professor.
Babylon Sisters
A migrant tale of sisterhood and music celebrating unconventional friendships and the power of diversity.
I delitti del BarLume - La loggia del cinghiale
Vittoria Fusco
The Wild Boar Lodge - when a stag party ends with a murder Massimo finds himself the prime suspect.
I delitti del BarLume - Aria di mare
Vittoria Fusco
Sea Air - Massimo seeks help for his nightmares and depression. The uncles have it in for a blind choir conductor. Tizi find a dead body, which leads to Massimo and Vittoria, who wants her old job back.
Worldly Girl
Professoressa Donati
Giulia’s is a poised world, made of rigour and sacred texts, which fiercely excludes those who do not belong to it. Libero's world is the world of all the others, of those who make mistakes, who fend for themselves looking for another chance and who love unconditionally. When Giulia meets Libero, she realizes she can have another destiny, one she will have to choose and build.
On the Trail of My Father
A kid helps his troubled father to hunt a killer bear.
Fräulein - A Winter’s Tale
As a solar storm unfolds, causing power surges and blackouts, a storm of emotions rages within Regina, a spinster referred to as Fräulein, when a childlike sexagenarian checks into her hotel. What should be one night becomes a stormy coexistence all its own.
I delitti del BarLume - Azione e reazione
Vittoria Fusco
Action Reaction - when a Russian patron collapses at the bar, poison is suspected and Vittoria closes them down until the source is found.
I delitti del BarLume - Il telefono senza fili
Vittoria Fusco
Chinese Whispers - a dead psychic is found in the trunk of a car and the uncles find briefcase full of dough ($).
Vecchi Pazzi
I delitti del BarLume - La briscola in cinque
Vittoria Fusco
After finish his work Marchino finds the body of a teenager girl and goes to BarLume to call the police who don't believe him after his infamous past. Massimo goes to check and here starts a new story of BarLume.
La trattativa
Prof. di Teologia
La sedia della felicità
Dino craft practice tattoos, Bruna is a beautician; their studies are facing each other. They learn of a mysterious treasure hidden in a chair that belonged to a woman now dead.
El maestro
Direttrice Telescuola
En 1946, Alberto Manzi tras regresar de la Guerra busca trabajo como maestro, una tarea nada fácil ya que carece de recomendaciones. Finalmente encuentra un trabajo que nadie quiere, como profesor en un reformatorio de la ciudad. A sus alumnos no les interesa aprender y Alberto tendrá que ganarse su confianza.
Il Natale della mamma imperfetta
I delitti del BarLume - La carta più alta
Vittoria Fusco
I delitti del BarLume - Il re dei giochi
Vittoria Fusco
The King of Games - when a car accident results in death, the uncles suspect fowl play and want to investigate. Massimo is asked by the detective covering the case to keep a watch on the uncles and prevent them from interfering in the investigation.Tiziana, Massimo's server, is having second thoughts about her upcoming marriage. Massimo figues it out and shares his theory with the Detective.
Small Homeland
Anna Carnielo
Two young girls, a hot, stifling summer, the desire to run away from a small provincial town. Luisa is full of life, uninhibited, unconventional. Renata is dark, angry and in need of love. The lives of two young women is a tale of blackmail, of a love betrayed, of violence: Luisa uses her Albanian boyfriend, Bilal; Renata uses Luisa’s body to orchestrate her revenge. Both want to leave the small community where they have grown up among village festivals and independence gatherings, helpless families and new generations of migrants targeted by those who feel increasingly threatened. Luisa, Renata and Bilal will risk loosing themselves, loosing a precious part of themselves, of those they love, ultimately loosing their own lives.
I delitti del BarLume - La tombola dei troiai
Vittoria Fusco
Viva la libertad
Enrico Oliveri, un político en crisis y secretario del principal partido de la oposición que está perdiendo apoyos, abandona sus compromisos y responsabilidades tras ser criticado duramente en un mitin, escondiéndose en Francia, en casa de una amiga. Su ayudante, para salir del apuro ya cada vez con menos crédito intentando justificar su ausencia, decide entonces sustituirlo por su hermano gemelo, un filósofo bipolar recién salido del psiquiátrico. Una auténtica locura que se tornará acierto cuando el electorado vuelva a ver en Enrico, ahora Giovanni, una opción real. Todo ello se deberá a un lenguaje distinto e irónico, que pondrá nuevamente al ficticio Enrico en la cresta de la ola.
Il rosso e il blu
Elena Togani
El guión, basado en el libro homónimo escrito por el periodista y profesor Marco Lodoli, está protagonizado por una serie de personajes con distintos puntos de vista sobre el instituto. Dos destacan por encima del resto. Uno de ellos es el joven profesor Prezioso, idealista y obstinado, que sirve de contrapunto para el insolente desencanto del otro, el también profesor, aunque más veterano, Fiorito. El primero piensa que puede cambiar el mundo; el segundo, que los jóvenes no entienden nada de nada. La rigurosa directora del instituto, Giuliana, está convencida de que "en el centro hay un dentro y un fuera y nosotros tenemos que ocuparnos sólo de lo que pasa dentro", pero luego es la primera que se interesa por sus alumnos más allá de los límites del instituto.
Good As You
Los caminos de los ocho personas, todas más o menos conscientes de ser gays, están destinados a cruzarse la noche de fin de año, en Roma. El alcohol y la atmósfera romántica de una noche especial harán que los ocho amigos se encuentren atrapados en inesperadas confesiones, secretos revelados, y decisiones impulsivas que harán reavivar abrumadoras (así como improbables) pasiones.
When the Night
Mrs. Sane
After meeting during their vacation, two young people with solitary lives suddenly come into a relationship that could benefit both of them.
Till Summer Comes
The teacher
One May afternoon, Nicholas, Daniel and Lollo can still do something to save their friendship: fight against a destiny that wants to divide them.
Habemus Papam
Tras varias fumatas negras por votaciones infructuosas, finalmente los fieles congregados en la Plaza de San Pedro reciben con júbilo la fumata blanca que indica que "Habemus Papam". Pero el nuevo papa se hunde ante la responsabilidad adquirida, por lo que la curia vaticana decide contratar a un psiquiatra para ayudar al nuevo pontífice.
Sulla strada di casa
L'ispettrice di polizia
The Front Line
Loredana Biancamano
Italia, 1989. Sergio Segio, un joven ex-comandante sirio cuenta su historia desde una cárcel de Turín. En los años 70 fue uno de los fundadores del grupo armado de extrema izquierda “La prima linea”, un movimiento clandestino y revolucionario. Fue condenado a más de veinte años de cárcel por el asesinato del juez Emilio Alessandrini en 1979, Sergio habla de la época anterior a su detención: en un piso de Venecia se reúne con un grupo de militantes para planear una peligrosa misión: asaltar la prisión de Rovigo para liberar a cuatro presas, entre las que se encuentra Susanna Ronconi, la mujer a la que ama y con la que espera empezar una nueva vida.
Different from Whom?
Political strategists in a northern Italian city push gay-rights campaigner Piero into the mayoral race, pairing him with uptight conservative toughie Adele (Claudia Gerini). Piero and his partner, Remo, are the stable ones, while buttoned-up divorcee Adele nurses her bitterness.
One Day in a Life
Italia /// En una mañana de verano, Salvatore, homosexual que acaba de salir de una triste historia de amor, pasea entre las dunas por un sendero que lleva a la playa, para pasar un rato a solas. Todavía no sabe que en la playa está a punto de encontrar a un grupo de mujeres que le obligará, a su pesar, a enfrentarse a los fantasmas de su pasado, para encontrar la serenidad perdida y, quizás, una nueva oportunidad, una nueva vida.
Chi nasce tondo...
Chi nasce tondo…non muore quadrato. È così per nonna Italia che, dopo una vita di furtarelli e gite in carcere, “evade” anche dall'ospizio per anziani, non senza aver ripulito la cassaforte della direzione. Il nipote Mario deve ritrovarla al più presto, ne vanno del suo imminente matrimonio con Flaminia e del suo posto di lavoro nella ditta di antifurti del futuro suocero; ma da solo non può farcela, ha bisogno dell'aiuto del cugino Righetto, cialtrone nullafacente che affitta a peso d'oro appartamenti occupati e fatiscenti. Insieme, i due seguiranno le tracce della nonna in un percorso a ritroso nella loro infanzia e in una Roma dal sapore antico, dove Padre Ignazio assolve i furti per fame e Anna Tre Culi insegna alle sue ragazze come divenire generose consolatrici sociali.
Gloss - Cambiare si può
Alex is a trans girl searching for her identity. Alex removed her male side, that of his childhood, because he lived a very painful adolescence...discrimination...harassment and bullying. Thanks to an analytical and introspective pathshe regains the memory and awareness of herself, boy, recovering that part male had completely erased.
Working the Streets
A Neopolitan hustler named Antonello is living his life in Torino. He turns tricks as a transvestite, using the name Rosatigre, or more commonly, Rosa. His closest pal is Wanda, who exercises the same “profession” and, being his best friend, is also the incarnation of his feminine alter ego. While we watch the two of them hanging out on the street, sweet and carefree as the young Moll Flanders, we eavesdrop on their exchange of confidences and learn the secret details of their private lives. Wanda could have been a teacher but she preferred the street, where she can indulge her sentimental, dreamy nature in sighing over the "Americano" she once met in Naples, for whom she still carries a torch.
I delitti del BarLume - A bocce ferme
Vittoria Fusco