Camera Operator
From the arctic tundra to the great planes, the kingdom of the wolf extends across the entire northern hemisphere. They are icons of the wilderness, spectacular creatures that live and die by the sword.
Meet Dot, the little wild horse foal. She is a Przewalski's horse: the only true wild horse species of the world. Although the origin of this endangered species is in Mongolia, Dot lives in the heart of Europe, on the grassy plains of Hungary called the "Puszta". 25 years ago some were introduced here and the horses instantly formed an organic connection with this magical land with rich and unique wildlife. Today this is one of the largest Przewalski's horse herds on the planet. This is their story.
Imagine one of the most remote wildernesses in the world. Granddaughter Masha and Vladimir, the protagonists of this story from Central Siberia try the impossible to keep their nomadic traditions alive.
Camera Operator
The Wind Sculpted Land is a film about Estonian nature. The nature of this Northern country might not seem anything special at a first glance, but digging deeper one can find true gems. Flooded meadows, coastline, bogs altogether with wild animals and flocks of migrating birds are actually small worlds on their own. Even more, the very same nature has held and sculpted the character of the people living here. The film was made during 2015-2018, it took more than 400 days out on the field filming birds, animals and different landscapes. Filming took place in different parts of Estonia, mainly in natural parks. The Wind Sculpted Land is truly a magical journey to Estonia´s unique and scenic nature. The film is part of a film programme dedicated to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.
Hungría es, probablemente, el país de Europa más influenciado por el ritmo cambiante de sus ríos. A lo largo de su historia, sus habitantes han aprendido a lidiar con inundaciones y sequías. Al este del país está la Puszta, la gran llanura húngara, un lugar en el que el pastoreo de ganado vacuno y caballar está en plena vigencia. Es también el hogar del águila de cola blanca. El centro del país está marcado por el Danubio, un ecosistema de humedales y bosques en el que proliferan ciervos, nutrias, un gran número de aves y dos peces curiosos, el siluro y una especie de carpa llamada aspio. Al oeste podemos encontrar el lago Balatón, el más grande de Europa Central, un lugar idílico para muchas aves. Ejn este documental se muestra el lado más salvaje de Hungría, un paraíso natural que se modula en torno a la cadencia voluble de sus aguas.