Martina is decided to make a documentary on the legendery Bar El Chino, a place where tango, friendship and love are highly valued. Her first night at Bar El Chino, she meets Jorge, a single father who was making a documentary about Bar El Chino also, but who had to leave it unfinished because of the economic depression. With the aid of Jorge, she will discover this wonderful place, get the documentary in progress, learn to love, and know what migration is like... from first-hand experience.
Toledo (Daniel Hendler), 26 años, futuro arquitecto, sufre de celos agudos. Vive obsesionado con los movimientos y actividades de su novia. Un día llega a casa y descubre que su peor pesadilla se ha hecho realidad: hay otro hombre. Superado el golpe, inicia una particular persecución nocturna de descubrimiento de personalidades: la del misterioso enemigo y, trágicamente, la suya propia.
A young woman will seek to reunite with her family after being adopted. After finding out her whereabouts with a detective, she will travel inside to meet them waiting to be recognized. Her mother and brother have a roadside post on the Paraguayan border, but only in appearance, as they actually do macabre and terrifying work.
Sabrina Sheiland
Martín Sala (Nicolás Mateo), now returns to work in a radio together with his cousin, Diego (Luciano Leyrado), and Lando Carrizo (Diego Gentile), a radio producer. The station is in need of a change and Lando comes up with a contest that has as a prize a transmission of the program from where he designates the winner.
Martín Sala (Nicolás Mateo), vuelve ahora trabajando en una radio junto con su primo, Diego (Luciano Leyrado), y Lando Carrizo (Diego Gentile), productor radial. La emisora está necesitando un cambio y a Lando se le ocurre realizar un concurso que tiene como premio una transmisión del programa desde donde designe el ganador.
Morocha joven
City of Rosario. After three decades in prison together in the same cell, Tito and Castor are released. Outside the youth's friends await, as well as mines, tango, nights of drunkenness and a suitcase full of money hidden in the Parana River. They will try to seize the time and live every second trying to retrieve each of those thirty years behind bars. And when things become complicated they will cover each other as they always did.