Editorial Production Assistant
"Death Proof", dirigida por Tarantino, gira en torno a un psicópata de la carretera llamado Especialista Mike, un asesino en serie que va aniquilando a sus víctimas, siempre chicas jóvenes, con su coche de especialista "a prueba de muerte".
The circus comes to town, and the criminal Bobla as well., trying to start a new life. But then he sees a parrot he just has to steal.
The circus comes to town, and the criminal Bobla as well., trying to start a new life. But then he sees a parrot he just has to steal.
The circus comes to town, and the criminal Bobla as well., trying to start a new life. But then he sees a parrot he just has to steal.
Is someone really smuggling drugs in our little town? A couple of kids helps the police, without the police's knowing, and is getting themselves into trouble.
Is someone really smuggling drugs in our little town? A couple of kids helps the police, without the police's knowing, and is getting themselves into trouble.