Gertraud Kreissig

Nacimiento : 1938-01-01, Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany

Muerte : 2011-06-15


The Mistake
It is 1988. Jacob (Gottfried John), from Hamburg in West Germany, falls in love with Elisabeth (Angelica Domröse) in East Germany. When they secretly meet in East Berlin, it seems the Stasi (secret police) knows about it. When Jacob visits her village, someone informs on him and he is deported. Elisabeth knows who begrudges her this love and takes her revenge. Critics note that in this film, director Heiner Carow revisits the themes of his 1972 smash hit, The Legend of Paul and Paula, which became a cult film throughout Germany.
Der kleine Herr Friedemann
Albert Einstein
Two part movie about Einstein's escape from Germany in 1932 and his influence in the invention of the nuclear bomb in 1939.
Coming Out
Berlín Oriental. El joven maestro Philipp conoce más de cerca a su colega Tanja tras un accidente en la escalera de la escuela y ambos comienzan una relación. Un antiguo amigo de Tanja, Jakob, al que llama cariñosamente Redford, resulta ser un amor de juventud de Philipp. Los padres de Philipp habían terminado la relación, regalando a Jakob una caja de compases y una bicicleta como compensación. Tras el reencuentro, Philipp entra en crisis, huye hacia un bar gay, se emborracha y finalmente dos desconocidos lo llevan a casa. Uno de ellos, el joven Matthias, lo encuentra de nuevo poco después frente al teatro y comienza un escarceo amoroso con él. Philipp tiene que enfrentarse a su propia orientación sexual, pero no tiene las fuerzas para ello. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ich liebe dich - April! April!
The law student Caroline and the assistant professor Tom are husband and wife, but they keep their marriage a secret. While Caroline is afraid of annoying her mother Hella who ever since her divorce twenty years ago distrusts men in general, Tom dreads the criticism of his professor, a family law specialist who objects to the concept of marriage. By chance, Caroline gets hold of some juicy information: Her mother and the professor used to be a couple and she is their child. With almost missionary zeal she addresses herself to the task of convincing the two grown-ups to get back together. In the process, however, she steers both her academic studies and her own marriage into a crisis.
Jadup and Boel
In a small town, everyone has tried to forget what happened shortly after WWII. That is, until a stranger finds a book that Jadup (Kurt Böwe) gave to the young refugee Boel (Katrin Knappe), who resettled in the town over 30 years ago. Painful memories about Boel and the post-war period begin to surface and shake up the whole town. Boel vanished back then and nobody knew why. Word spread about a rape and some tried to blame a Russian soldier. Jadup, the town's respected and popular mayor, remembers, though, how he mistrusted Boel and did not help her through this difficult time; HE didn't even notice THAT Boel loved him. Jadup's confrontation with the past gives him a new, critical view of his current situation and surroundings.
Meisterin Röwer
School Ghost
Carola is a mischievous girl who doesn't care much for school- except for sports and recess, of course. Without her good friend Willi to keep her on the straight and narrow, she would really be in trouble. One day at school, Carola has an idea. She invents what she calls "International Ghosts' Day" and a ghost named "Buh" to go with it. When Buh turns out to be less-than-imaginary the two decide to switch places, with Buh taking on all the schoolwork, and Carola taking the opportunity to play practical jokes on all her friends...
Ach du meine Liebe
Der zerbrochene Krug
Marthe Rull
Kaskade rückwärts
Maja Wegner is in her late thirties and a single mother of a teenage daughter. To give her stale life a new direction, she decides to start all over again in the big city. She sells her house in the countryside, quits her job, and moves with her daughter to Berlin. There, she finds a job as a conductor for the railroad company. Although Maja soon finds new friends in her apartment building, the search for a new life partner does not come off so easily.
Moritz in der Litfaßsäule
Frau Zampe
No one has any time for Moritz. And at school, things are not exactly the greatest either. Moritz runs away and moves into the inside of an advertising pillar. A speaking cat, a circus girl and a street sweeper become his new friends. Gradually, they help the young boy to realize that running away does not solve anything.
The Fiancee
The wrenching story of a woman sentenced in 1934 to ten years in prison for antifascist activities. The love between her and her fiancée enables her to survive the tribulations of her time in prison, where she is one of few political prisoners.
All My Girls
Ralf Paeschke is a film student who has to make a documentary film about a group of women working in a lamp factory. There is brazen Susie, mischievous Kerstin, lonely Anita, single Ella, withdrawn Gertrud and the imposing forewoman. When Kerstin is suspected of stealing, tension among the women mounts. Ralf demands that things be clarified, and his film plays an unexpected role in the matter.
Einer muß die Leiche sein
A group of tourists from the GDR spend their holiday at the coast of Bulgaria. When making a trip to a small fisher house, they have to stay they night, because the ship's motor broke down. One of the group proposes a game: Someone has to be a corpse, one the detective and another one the murderer. But shortly after starting the game the "corpse" has vanished only to befound at the foot of the nearby cliff - being dead for real. Now the group start their investigation...
Star-Crossed Lovers
Magdalena and Michael have loved each other since they were children. But when the Nazis come to power, Michael rebels against the regime and is sentenced to fifteen years in a concentration camp. Magdalena, meanwhile, goes underground with the help of a friend and later immigrates to the Soviet Union. Michael, who has joined the Red Army, discovers on the way to Moscow that Magdalena is staying there. But when his plane lands, she is already on her way back to Germany. Michael hopes that one day, he and Magdalena will be reunited.
The Man with the Objective Lens
A humorous and satirical comedy, which places a man from the year 2222 one day in the (then) present day life in GDR, East Germany under Communist regime. Using a crystal for mind reading he uncovers some improprieties and moral weaknesses in the "Beautiful future" professed by VEB ("Volkseigener Betrieb" – "State Owned Holdings").
Destino Espacial: Venus
En un futuro cercano, durante el transcurso de unas excavaciones en el desierto de Gobi, se encuentra un extraño objeto de origen extraterrestre que contiene un misterioso mensaje. Un grupo de científicos descifra el mensaje, llegando a la conclusión de que se trata de un comunicado alienígena procedente de Venus; las naciones del mundo se ponen entonces de acuerdo para enviar una expedición a bordo del Kosmokrator, una nave rusa de altísima tecnología, y tomar contacto con la civilización que ha enviado el mensaje...