Kayla Sklar


La masacre de Tulsa y el Verano Rojo
Associate Editor
DeNeen Brown, reportera del Washington Post, nos relata el descubrimiento de una fosa común en Tulsa, Oklahoma, e investiga el reino del terror racial en Estado Unidos.
Day One
A delicate and patient portrayal of what a woman's first day on her period can look like. 'Day One' is a film that works against period stigma by highlighting a very real experience consistently had by over half the population.
Jubilee is a video collaboration with musician JD McPherson, inspired by David Lynch, William Eggleston, and late-night New Orleans.
RAMS is a documentary portrait of legendary designer Dieter Rams by filmmaker Gary Hustwit. For over fifty years, Rams has left an indelible mark on the field of product design with his iconic work at Braun and Vitsoe, and his influence on Apple. So at 86 years old, why does he now regret being a designer? RAMS is a design documentary, but it’s also a rumination on consumerism, materialism, and sustainability. Dieter's philosophy is about more than just design, it’s about a way to live. The film also features an original score by pioneering musician Brian Eno.