Title Designer
Alemania, siglo XIX. Jake y Will Grimm son dos hermanos que se dedican a recorrer los pueblos embaucando a los pobres lugareños: primero les cuentan historias de maldiciones, espíritus y fantasmas que los acechan y después fingen salvarlos por medio de exorcismos y rituales varios. Pero, un día, llegan a un pueblo sobre el que pesa una maldición real, un pueblo situado cerca de un bosque encantado en el que recientemente han desaparecido varias niñas. Los Grimm tendrán entonces que demostrar su valentía y coraje para salvar al pueblo de una amenaza terrorífica.
Graphic Designer
In the 1830's in northern England, Riah Millican, a widow with three children, takes a job as housekeeper to a reclusive former teacher, Percival Miller. Miller makes Riah the gift of a black velvet gown, and even educates her children. But when Riah discovers the reason behind Miller's gifts, she vows to leave his house, but Miller has a hold on her, even after his death, when he leaves his house to her on the condition that she never marry. Riah's daughter, Biddy, grows up and becomes a laundress in a large house where her education keeps her from fitting in and makes her a target. But it also catches the eye of a son of the house, and with Miller's legacies, Biddy may yet find her way to happiness.