Tomoya Tada
It is the job of the press to cover corporate crime, government plots and society. It is in this context that young female reporter on the beat Erika rolls up her sleeves and goes to work regarding what seems to be a government cover up. She is dealing with a government bureaucrat called Sugihara. It seems as if a clash is inevitable.
Otomo sale de la cárcel dispuesto a derrocar al clan Sanno, que lo dio por muerto años atrás. A esta venganza personal se suma una guerra entre familias rivales y, también, la ofensiva de las fuerzas de la ley contra el crimen organizado.
After a bad breakup, a young woman returns to her hometown and opens a menuless restaurant. A young woman in her mid 20's becomes so heart broken she loses her voice. To recover, the woman decides to go back to her hometown and stay with her free-spirited mother whom she has not been very close to in the past. The young woman then decides to open a restaurant which accepts only one customer a day, allowing for thoughtful preparation for that customer.
Sugihara es un joven coreano residente en Japón que, a pesar de ser inmigrante de segunda generación, trata de integrarse en un mundo que le discrimina racialmente.