A stripper, a young trans man, the son of a drug dealer and the survivor of an accident reconstruct their memories as patients of Fernando Ventura, a scientist obsessed with genetic manipulation, in this documentary that plays with the boundaries of the genre in order to tell an amazing story.
A documentary about a surreal sport that mixes croquet, polo and golf in Sierra de la Ventana.
A documentary about a surreal sport that mixes croquet, polo and golf in Sierra de la Ventana.
Un álbum de historias extrañas y humorísticas sobre pequeños lugares dedicados exclusivamente a la molicie, vacíos en invierno, abarrotados en verano: los balnearios. Ciudades bajo el agua, hoteles de lujo, sirenas, animales marinos, castillos de arena, gente que rinde culto al agua pidiendo salud.