Karel Effa

Karel Effa

Nacimiento : 1922-05-23, Praha, Československo

Muerte : 1993-06-11


Karel Effa, originally named Karel Effenberger (May 23, 1922 in Prague - June 11, 1993 in Prague), was a Czech actor. As a professional soldier during World War II, he served in the Government Army during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, which was deployed to Italy. Here he later ran to the Czechoslovak troops fighting on the side of the Western Allies. After the war, he remained in the army with the rank of sergeant, playing and singing for two years in the newly formed Army Art Ensemble of Vít Nejedlý. From there he went to the Theater of Satire, from there to the Theater of State Film, from there to the Music Theater in Karlín, from where he briefly jumped to the ABC Theater to return to the Karlín Theater. He has been a member of the Semafor Theater since 1979. Karel Effa was a very prominent comedian who created 71 smaller and episodic film roles during his life - such as the villain Pancho Kid in the Czech comedy Lemonade Joe or Horse Opera, the black Gustav in Zeman's famous film The Stolen Airship, or the treasure keeper in the fairy tale film Proud princess. Karel Effa worked for many years as a member of the Czechoslovak State Film Ensemble, resp. Film studio in Barrandov, he also performed in the Theater in Fidlovačka, or in the former musical theater in Prague's Nusle, he also worked in the post-war Theater of Satire. In addition to performing in theater and film, he has given six thousand touring performances during his lifetime, where he has used his folk humor, playing the guitar and singing tramp songs. He also remained a hiker all his life, he went to Brdy, often to the settlement of Ztracenka. In 1964, he became a founding member of the Department of Friends and Supporters of Slavia, which aimed to save and lift football Slavia, which at the time lived in the Second Football League.


Karel Effa


Paní Liška
A co ten ruksak, králi?
Růžový Hubert
Czechoslovakian Actor (uncredited)
Antonio Salieri es el músico más destacado de la corte del Emperador José II de Austria. Entregado completamente a la música, le promete a Dios humildad y castidad si, a cambio, conserva sus extraordinarias dotes musicales. Pero, después de la llegada a la corte de un joven llamado Wolfang Amadeus Mozart, Salieri queda relegado a un segundo plano. Irritado por la pérdida de protagonismo, hará todo lo posible para arruinar la carrera del joven músico. Mientras tanto, Mozart, ajeno a las maquinaciones de Salieri, sorprende a todos con su genialidad como músico, pero también con sus excentricidades.
Bulldogs and Cherries
The dreaded Italian mafioso, Marian Labuda, will also be convinced. Mafioso Carmello was guilty of the principles of his organization when he tried to fool the boss and earned a death sentence. The convict runs away from the killer through Vienna to Prague, which his Austrian colleague in crime recommended as a safe hiding place. None of them knows that the Czechs learned so much tricks under real socialism that a seasoned Italian professional is not enough to watch.
S Pydlou v zádech
Postavička prostého lidového chytráka, který se zaplétá v šachové partii mocných, poskytuje vynikajícímu Josefu Dvořákovi prostor pro řadu brilantních klaunských čísel.
The Ninth Heart
Martin, a poor student, volunteers to go on a quest to find a cure for the princess Adriana, who is stricken with a strange illness. Unknown to Martin or anyone else, the princess is actually under the spell of the powerful magician Andlobrandini, who is preparing a rejuvenating elixir made from the blood of nine men's hearts.
Nick Carter, aquel loco, loco, detective
Nick Carter, consumado artista del disfraz y detective que aparte de sus condiciones físicas ya utilizaba el método deductivo para solucionar los casos criminales, se traslada a Praga, donde investiga la misteriosa desaparición de un perro propiedad de una duquesa. El perro no ha sido sino una víctima para probar la capacidad de Adela, la nueva arma secreta de «El Botánico», viejo enemigo de Nick Carter.
A young man seeks freedom and eventually gets conformed. To escape society, he wanders south. After some adventures he returns to his lover, where he expects a civil career.
Almost King
Pozor, ide Jozefína...
Koncert pro mantinely
Circus in the Circus
To Moscow have arrived the participants of the international conference of the zoophilologists and also the international jury which is to elect for the world festival the best performance of the program of Moscow circus. Mrs Whistler (Iva Janzurová), British associate professor, makes her understood with the animals in their language but the Czech professor Ruzicka (Jirí Sovák), though he is capable of using the animals language, prefers teaching the animals the human language. Ruzicka's friend, the poodle Archibald, speaks "in Human" very well. The scientific dispute ends with a bet - if Ruzicka teaches the circus elephant to sing, Mrs Whistler will eat up her hat.
Sám proti městu
A Night at Karlstein
No Woman is allowed into Karlstejn Castle! Yet the enamoured Daniele Kolářová and the equally enamoured Jana Brejchová manage to spend one night in disguise in the Castle despite the strict royal ban.
Affairs of my Wife
Zlatá svatba
drobný chovatel Choleva
Straw Hat
Slacker Maurice Fadinar wasted his whole inheritance and the only way out of this situation, as it seems, to marry Helen Nonankur - daughter of a wealthy farmer. At the last meeting with his mistress in a nearby forest Fadinar's horse eats straw hat which belongs to a married lady, spending time in the company of young and hot Lieutenant Emil. Emil literally puts a knife to Maurice throat - or the lady will get back the exact same hat immediately, or he will arrange such a scandal that no wedding will not happen ...
A rich man can not cheer his daughter Marcelka. He calls overseas doctors and tries to repaint his castle but nothing helps. Only young boy Petrik is able to amuse Marcelka with his artistry.
Four Murders Are Enough, Darling
majitel baru Kovarski
Two criminal gangs are ruthlessly fighting for a 1-million dollar check that, purely by chance, got into the flat of shy high school teacher George Camel. As the number of victims sharply increases, Camel is mistakenly regarded as a mass murderer and cunningly uses his horrifying reputation to get the respect and heart of his beloved Sabrina, a journalist from a local newspaper. But this game turns out to be risky and in the end, both gangs don't hesitate to seize the check at all costs, including an improvised operation
You Are a Widow, Sir
zřízenec na patologii
After a soldier cuts off the arm of king's cousin, king decides to deactivate the army. Of course, generals don't like it at all and they try to kill the king. The assassin should be artificial body in the shape of actress Evelina Keleti and with brain of psychotic serial killer Fany Stubová. They also manage to kill king's astrologer Stuart Hampl, who warns the king. Accidentally, Hampl's brain is implanted into assassin's body, actress Keleti is killed and chaos begins.
Zpívající přístavy
On the Comet
kaprál Ben
Un cometa pasa muy cerca de la tierra, arrastrando con él una pequeña parte del norte de África y llevándose a un montón de gente. Entre ellos, Angélica, que acaba de escapar del barco de un despiadado traficante de armas, y a sus dos hermanos, que la están buscando. Luego hay un grupo de nativos que planea una rebelión contra los colonos franceses. Todos estos conflictos se vuelven secundarios cuando la gente finalmente se da cuenta de que están condenados a vivir juntos en un planeta alienígena. Sin embargo, este tiempo de paz y felicidad mundial no durará mucho tiempo.... Adaptación de la novela "Hector Servadac", de Julio Verne.
Yo maté a Einstein, caballeros
En un futuro próximo un grupo terrorista provoca un accidente nuclear. La espantosa consecuencia de la radiación supone que a todas las mujeres les crece la barba. Científicos y gobernantes se unen para hallar una solución al problema, pero todo esfuerzo parece inútil. El prestigioso profesor Moore parece haber encontrado la solución: ha ideado una máquina del tiempo. Con ella piensa trasladarse hasta 1911 y asesinar a Einstein antes de que este descubra la teoría de la relatividad. De este modo conseguirá abortar el peligro nuclear y evitar cualquier atentado. Pero una vez en el pasado la misión no va a ser tan sencilla como en un principio parecía.
Pražská romance
The Wishing Machine
Two young boys, play hooky from school in order to explore an ultramodern world's fair. They take in the many marvelous scientific and industrial exhibits, obtain literature, eat food, and generally run amok.
The Terribly Sad Princess
Musical fairy tale tells the story of prince and princesses from neighbouring friendly countries who have to marry each other, as decided by their wise fathers with their advisors. However, the royal children want to decide their fate themselves. They meet in the royal garden, where princess pretends to be a maid and prince to be a herdsman. Prince under cover is imprisoned and helps princess with rebellion. She becomes sad all the time, because she does not want to marry anyone. Luckily, love finds way to their life . . .
El dirigible robado
Inspirada en distintos cuentos de Julio Verne, la película combina actuación en vivo, animación, trucos escenográficos y efectos ópticos variados.
Svatební cesta aneb Ještě ne, Evžene!
The Pipes
This three-part Austrian/Czech comedy stretches the boundaries of what is considered to be humorous. Part one finds a silent film actor upset because of a rival actor's attention to the former's wife. When he kills his rival, it is only when he is strapped to the electric chair that he realizes that this is his last live scene. The second episode has the wife of an elderly British nobleman having an affair with the young gamekeeper of their estate. Part three finds a peasant woman taking a lover when her husband goes off to fight the war.
¿Quién quiere matar a Jessie?
La historia se centra en una pareja que usa una máquina que puede traer objetos y personas del mundo de los sueños a nuestra realidad. Eso incluye la liberación accidental del personaje de cómics Jessie. Esta aparición producirá un montón de equívocos en los que lucharán el mundo real y las imágenes de los cómics.
Martin and Nine Fools
Captain Martin from the police's child department and his colleague Kraus are called to Znojmo to help solve a case regarding stolen toys found in the town's subterranean passages. The members of the local police department are convinced that the thieves are the well-known "customers" from the Znojmo elementary school, pupils Exner and Mandlík. Martin, however, has doubts about these culprits. These doubts grow even stronger after the local self-service shop is robbed and the local tobacco store reports that it is missing a lot of imported cigarettes. Martin questions the children, inspects both shops and searches through the underground.
The Borrowed Face
lupič Hmaták
It is the 1930s. Physician Bartos devotedly attends poor patients in the city suburbs, at the same time researching the possibilities of regeneration of human tissues after transplantation. His former colleague Rosen, now working as an assistant at the private clinic of surgeon Kirchenbruch, considers the research a mere utopia. The disappointed Bartos, trying to verify his theories, therefore accepts the outrageous proposal of Marion, owner of a brothel - to surgically replace the face of her lover, the wanted thief Cutter, with the face of murdered Father Hopsasa. Bartos is well paid but his successful operation remains a secret.
The Jester's Tale
An anti-war black comedy set during the Thirty Years' War. The film combines live action with animation to suggest the artistic style of the engraver Matthäus Merian.
Lemonade Joe
Pancho Kid
A satire of the Great American Way, with Lemonade Joe a "clean living" gunfighter who drinks only Kola-Loca Lemonade and convinces everyone else in town (with his gun skills) that all "real men" drink ONLY lemonade!
A Star Travels South
Egon Zejda - guitarist
The Prague Grand Orchestra travels by train to a music festival in Yugoslavia. Only the singer Sona Klánová missed the departure. In the meantime, she managed to buy a ticket to Belgrade at the air-terminal from Mrs Navrátilová, who couldn't make the trip. In the meantime, the orchestra conductor is beside himself with despair. He phoned to Prague from the border, and when he realized that Sona had left her house in a taxi, he thought that she would catch up with them by the road. The orchestra delayed the train's departure with an improvised concert for the custom officers and the passengers.
El gato de Cassandra
Oliva, un viejo cuentacuentos, cuenta a los niños del profesor Robert la historia de un antiguo amor y su gata mágica que vestía gafas de sol. Al quitarse las gafas, la gata dejaba al descubierto la personalidad de las personas al verse reflejados en diferentes colores. Un día llega un carruaje al pueblo. En el viajan un mago, la bella Diana y la gata mágica. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ticho! Ticho! Ticho!
A Great Road Ahead
About the great Czech satirist Jaroslav Hašek, who was captured by the Russians during the First World War. Not wanting to fight for the interests of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, Hašek enters the Red Army and, as a commissar of the international brigade, goes the military way from Samara to Irkutsk.
El barón fantástico
důstojník pevnostní stráže
El astronauta Toni aterriza en la Luna y tras desmayarse cae en una profunda ensoñación. En su particular alucinación, el viajero estelar se encuentra con míticos visitantes de la Luna como Cyrano de Bergerac, Nicholas, Barbican, Michael Ardan y el barón Münchhausen. Se toman unas copas y el barón, tomando a Toni por habitante lunar, decide llevarlo a la Tierra para que conozca cómo viven los seres humanos. Aterrizan en Constantinopla, donde Blanca, una princesa del harén, se fija en Toni, a quien le pide que la libere. El barón le ayuda entonces a raptarla mediante sutiles métodos como pasarse por la espada a medio ejército aprovechando un apagón. Entonces huyen a caballo y se embarcan en un velero que se ve inmerso en una emboscada de la inmensa armada turca. De nuevo, el ingenio del barón los saca del atolladero y huyen en botes, pero son tragados por una ballena en la cual recorren medio mundo...
kostelník Kalina
Every Penny Counts
The Pilgrimage to the Holy Virgin
Farmers get away from their arguments by embarking on a religious pilgrimage, enjoy a picnic en route, and on their return decide to form a cooperative.
Warden in prison
Černá sobota
cestující ve vlaku
Ztracená revue
The Lost Photography
A young boy from Prague is trying to find a Soviet soldier from the old 1945 picture.
The Princess with the Golden Star
pobočník Kazisvěta
A Czech fairy tale about a princess named Lada who runs away from home in a mouse fur disguise in order to escape an unwanted and forced marriage.
May Stars
May 1945. On the outskirts of Prague, ordinary people meet Soviet soldiers-liberators with tears of joy in their eyes. In the early days of the lull, someone sadly recalls a pre-war life; someone unexpectedly meets his love; someone is returning from enemy dungeons looking hopefully into the future; and someone, having moved from a tank into a Czech tram, warmly recalls his craft as a car driver... These days, all those who survived the Great War fire swear an oath to keep peace on Earth forever, honoring the memory of those who gave their lives for simple human happiness.
Of Things Supernatural
(segment "Tajemství písma")
Czech comedy fantasy directed by Jiri Krejcik et al.
Florenc 13,30
Karel Koníček
Sons of the Mountains
Jaroslav Hasek's Exemplary Cinematograph
Muž v povětří
Hudba z Marsu
Kulhánek, hráč na cello a kytaru
The Circus Will Be
A few bus-loads of holidaymakers from the agricultural cooperative on a day trip arrive to see the show at the Slavia Circus. But, they have bad luck. It is Monday, the day on which the employees have their extra day off.
Nad námi svítá
american journalist
Based on a true story
Hasek’s Tales from the Old Monarchy
The Proud Princess
Strážce pokladu
It's very human and nice story about lofty princess (her father is amiable but incapable - unforgettable performance of S. Neumann) and good, nice, kind and well-principled young king (prince) who tries to make tender her calm heart to get married with her. After being refused (she's very capricious), he conclude to make her better. He start to work as a gardener at her castle (in secret) and successively bring she to her senses...The story continues when already reformed princess and the young king (she learn about his real identity later) have to take refuge from troops, that princess father (old king) has sent (of course he took a bad and mean counsellors advice). They have to take shelter by several ordinary and poor families, which are always very friendly and give them a help... Of course the tale has happy end.
Rodinné trampoty oficiála Tříšky
Pan Novák
Vašek Kunc
Distant Journey
Theresienstadt Prisoner (uncredited)
Praga, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Hana Kaufmann, una oftalmóloga judía, se casa con el Dr. Antonín Bureš, un hombre cristiano. Cuando su familia es enviada al campo de concentración de Theresienstadt, su romance se convierte en una lucha por la supervivencia.
Red Lizard
Grammar school teacher Bláha hurts himself in pursuit of a red lizard, and is lying unconscious in the lonely house of Santrucek family. The postman, who found Bláha's coat and hat in the water, announces to everyone in town that the professor has drowned. But, the venerable citizens are at that moment more interested in the theatre group with the beautiful guest actress Eva Gazdová. They demand a change of repertoire and manage to persuade the theatre manager to have the group play the musical comedy The Red Lizard instead of an established play.
Zrcadlo na vesnici 3
Zrcadlo byrokratické 2
Old Ironside
Ves v pohraničí
Nobody Knows Anything
Znamení kotvy
Poslední mohykán
The Stolen Border
Czech film tells the story of a border town in World War II. Family members and friends become enemies.