Gunnhildur Ólafsdóttir


Grand marin
Makeup Department Head
Lili has left everything behind to travel to the edge of the earth and accomplish her dream, fishing the Northern seas. She persuades Ian, the captain of a trawler by the name of Rebel, to give her a chance and let her join the crew. The only woman on board, they call her Sparrow. Hidden behind a frail appearance is a will of steel, and her courage and determination ultimately win over their respect. Adopted into this world of often unfortunate individuals, Lili will conquer her right to live differently, free. Debut film.
Summerlight and Then Comes The Night
Makeup Artist
The village is brimming with stories and if you listen closely it might tell you a few. Perhaps the one about the businessman who dreams in Latin, or the one about the delicate boy who carves moorland birds, or maybe the one of the open-air sexual affair that has explosive consequences.
Amundsen: La Gran Expedición
Assistant Makeup Artist
Narra la vida del legendario explorador noruego Roald Amundsen (1872-1928), un hombre que estuvo obsesionado con conquistar las zonas polares. Dirigió la expedición a la Antártida que por primera vez alcanzó el Polo Sur.
La mujer de la montaña
Assistant Makeup Artist
A sus cincuenta años, Halla, profesora de canto, declara la guerra a la industria local del aluminio, que está contaminando su país. Para ello, toma todo tipo de riesgos con el fin de proteger el medio ambiente en Islandia. Pero su situación podría cambiar con la llegada inesperada una carta que da luz verde por fin a sus trámites de adopción de una niña.