Eric Hill


Coyote Creek Christmas
Mientras organiza una fiesta de "Navidad alrededor del mundo" en la posada de su familia, una organizadora de eventos descubre la magia navideña con un encantador dúo de padre e hijo cuya presencia genera tensión y alegría.
Hope at Christmas
Sydney Ragsdale, recently divorced, decides to spend Christmas in a house she inherited with her young daughter. As Sydney begins to spend more time at the local bookstore, she meets a teacher, Mac, who also fills in for the town Santa. Mac tries to make Christmas wishes come true, and this year Sydney is at the top of his ‘nice’ list. As a new opportunity with the bookstore unfolds, Mac helps Sydney open herself up to life, love, and believing in the spirit of Christmas again.
A Wish for Christmas
Sara tiene una brillante idea y su jefe se la roba. Ella le pide a Papá Noel valor para defenderse. ¿Podrán 48 horas de magia hacer que cambien las cosas?
BloodRayne 2: Deliverance
Rayne es una guerrera mitad humana, mitad vampiro, o lo que es lo mismo, una Dhampir. Esta vez se dirige hacia el poblado de Deliverance, en la que ha emergido un grupo de vaqueros no-muertos, dirigidos por Billy el Niño, un poderoso vampiro. Rayne, se aliará con la gente del poblado para destruirlos...
Bye Bye Blues
Second Film Editor
Story about a WWII wife & mother who joins a local dance band to provide for family while husband at war. Romantic involvement with one of the band members make her decisions difficult when husband returns from war. Story watches the progression of the band as it grows into a popular, successful recording and touring group. Excellent music and soundtrack.