John F. Goodrich


The Healer
Un joven médico al frente de una clínica de salud para enfermos de la polio se queda deslumbrado por una hermosa y rica chica de la alta sociedad, en detrimento de sus pacientes y de la mujer que en le ama de verdad.
Life Returns
A doctor who has spent his career working on ways to revive the dead sees his chance to prove his theory by performing his procedures on a recently deceased dog.
El diluvio
Un eclipse solar provoca una ola gigante que arrasa con Nueva York y con las principales ciudades del mundo.
The Son-Daughter
Curiosa película que se centra en las relaciones entre una tradicional familia china que vive en el Chinatown de San Francisco en 1911. Sus vidas se van a ver condicionadas por lo que está sucediendo en China, donde el nuevo emperador ha instaurado unas leyes muy restrictivas en cuanto al casamiento de las jóvenes se refiere. Ellas no pueden escoger al hombre que aman, sino casarse con los nobles de la comarca.
Flaming Gold
Two friends working a jungle oil field clash when one marries a lady of the evening.
Riders of the Purple Sage
Scenario Writer
Lassiter's sister was killed and her young daughter taken and raised by outlaws. Years later Lassiter arrives at the Withersteen ranch looking for the now grown daughter. He immediately gets caught up in the ranch's struggle against rustlers. Trailing a rustled herd of horses leads him to the rustler's hideout and the missing daughter.
The Flirting Widow
Phyllis quiere casarse con Bobby, pero su padre no lo permitirá hasta que su hermana mayor, Celia, se case. Entonces Celia inventa una prometida militar en Arabia, lo bautiza sin imaginación como John Smith, le escribe una carta de amor y luego lo mata. Solo que realmente hay un Coronel John Smith.
Lilies of the Field
Mildred Harker loses custody of her child in a messy divorce settlement. Leaving her hometown in disgrace, Mildred heads to New York, where after a crash course in the school of hard knocks she joins the chorus of a Ziegfeld-like musical revue. Now a full-fledged gold-digger, she enjoys the favors of backstage johnnies and elderly sugar daddies, but finally finds true love in the form of Park Avenue socialite Ted Willing.
Fast Life
Scenario Writer
A man is tried and convicted for the murder of a man who flirted with his wife., and sentenced to death However, it turns out that he is innocent of the murder and that the real killer has close ties to a powerful politician.
The Vanishing Pioneer
A western settlement of pioneer descendants is threatened with the loss of its water supply through the encroachments of nearby townspeople.
La última orden
La Última Orden se inspira en una historia supuestamente real, que se atribuye a Ernst Lubitsch. Su protagonista es un aristócrata zarista arruinado que, tras la Revolución Soviética, acaba recalando en Hollywood, donde trabaja como extra en una película que narra los convulsos días de la Revolucíón de 1917, y en la que encarna a un personaje cuya vida es idéntica a la suya. Esta extraña e insólita situación hace que afloren a su memoria los recuerdos del pasado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Shanghai Bound
Landing at a Chinese port, tough sea captain Bucklin and his passengers are threatened by a marauding war lord, who intends to kill the captain and hold the others hostage as part of his campaign of destruction against all white men.
El escuadrón de hierro
La historia de la unidad militar organizada por el futuro presidente de los Estados Unidos, Teddy Roosevelt, y sus aventuras en Cuba durante la Guerra Hispanoamericana de 1898.
Special Delivery
The second and last of Eddie Cantor's silent vehicles, Special Delivery casts the wide-eyed comedian as a hapless mailman. While going through his swiftly appointed rounds, Eddie stumbles upon a gang of crooks who are planning a large-scale confidence scam. He exposes the villains and wins the love of heroine Madge (Jobyna Ralston). Though Cantor was a fine physical comic, he didn't truly score in films until the arrival of talkies allowed his fans to hear as well as see him. Special Delivery was directed by "William Goodrich," who in reality was comedian Fatty Arbuckle, hoping to stage a comeback after the sex scandal that destroyed his career.
Nicola Riccobini, a puppet master in New York's Italian quarter, is an energetic and domineering man in the family, in contrast to his dreamy, poetic cousin Bruno.
My Lady's Lips
A newspaper publisher finds out that his wild daughter has fallen in with a ring of gamblers. A reporter who has infiltrated the gang to get a story falls in love with the gang's female leader, and when the two are caught in a police raid, they find themselves in equal amounts of trouble.
My Lady's Lips
A newspaper publisher finds out that his wild daughter has fallen in with a ring of gamblers. A reporter who has infiltrated the gang to get a story falls in love with the gang's female leader, and when the two are caught in a police raid, they find themselves in equal amounts of trouble.
Faint Perfume
After a stormy six year marriage, Barnaby Powers divorces his wife Richmiel. She returns home, taking their young son Oliver with her. Barnaby follows her, to ask for custody of the boy, but meets and falls in love with Richmiel's pretty and sensitive cousin Ledda. Complications ensue.
The Other Woman's Story
Robert Marshall’s dying utterance seems to point to Colman Colby (Robert Frazer) as his killer. Colby is arrested and at trial all testimony points to his guilt. But as the jury deliberates, the unfairly named “other woman” (Helen Lee Worthing) sets out to prove his innocence.
Capital Punishment
This is not a Clara Bow vehicle, and yet it is clearly the aspect/asset of Clara Bow which elevates a fairly serious melodrama to a timeless and profound social statement. Opening the film on death row where the handsome youth awaits the chair, a stirring test of the legal system evolves after two elite types conspire to expose its inadequacies. Elite, jaded society lawyer Gordon Harrington fabricates a murder, implicating an entirely "hired" fall-guy, one Dan O'Connor, while the bored playboy-type hides away on a yacht until the points are proven and the legal system has been disgraced. Naturally, something goes wrong, the playboy really turns up murdered, and O'Connor is now the accused, imprisoned murderer scheduled to be hanged.
The Triflers
Marjorie Stockton is a fickle flapper who has loads of suitors. She won't give any of them the time of day, however, until she meets her match in the equally fickle Monte Covington.
Thundering Dawn
Jack Standish feels responsible for the failure of the partnership with his father and goes to the South Seas where he falls prey to alcohol, is seduced by Lullaby Lou, a vamp, and tricked by a brutal plantation owner, Gordon Van Brock.
Thundering Dawn
Jack Standish feels responsible for the failure of the partnership with his father and goes to the South Seas where he falls prey to alcohol, is seduced by Lullaby Lou, a vamp, and tricked by a brutal plantation owner, Gordon Van Brock.
Daytime Wives