Gerry Wolff

Gerry Wolff

Nacimiento : 1920-06-23, Bremen, Germany

Muerte : 2005-02-16


Gerry Wolff


Engel sucht Flügel
Piano Teacher
A bittersweet tale about three people - a young pianist, a moody antique dealer and a notorious thief - who are transformed by love.
Now or Never
Erwin Kischke
Three elderly ladies, Carla, Lilli and Meta, who, after their hard earned holiday money is stolen by bank robbers, decide to steal from their local bank. Along the way their are romances, arguments and a few other unexpected surprises.
The Einstein of Sex: Life and Work of Dr. M. Hirschfeld
Onkel von Hirschfeld
Mucho antes que las revueltas de Stonewall y el informe Kinsey, vivió el doctor Magnus Hirschfeld. Siendo un joven judio gay en el Berlín del siglo XIX, Hirschfeld no sólo luchó a favor de los derechos de los gays, sino que fue su descubridor. Rosa von Praunheim, co-fundadora del movimiento de lucha por los derechos civiles para los gays en Alemania y directora de cine, cuenta la historia de Hirschfeld en un exuberante drama histórico. Enlazando una historia fascinante de descubrimiento y romance con una mordaz afición por la política, Von Praunheim presenta este convincente relato del doctor que fundó el primer grupo político gay en 1897 y la primera institución médica para gays, el reconocido Instituto de Ciencia Sexual, que prosperó hasta la llegada del regimen nazi. En Einstein of Sex (apodo que dio a Hirschfeld la prensa americana) un legendario pionero del sexo se encuentra con un inconformista director para crear juntos una celebración de la historia gay.
Schrott - Die Atzenposse
While All Germans Sleep
After 50 years, Marek remembers his dangerous adventure as a five-year-old, when he and his friend Itzek left a Polish transit camp one night in 1942 – a few days before their evacuation to Auschwitz – to go get the toys they forgot at the ghetto. Based on Becker's personal memories and his 1980 short story "The Wall."
Herberge für einen Frühling
The Goose Princess
Soldat Siebert
The story of the goose princess and her faithful horse Falada.
Der Auftrag
Das Buschgespenst
Vater Hoffmann
Das wirkliche Blau
So Many Dreams
Karin, a well-known and loved midwife in her early forties, receives a high-order decoration from the state. While still overwhelmed with happiness about this honor, she is faced with a difficult decision when she encounters a young women who claims to be her daughter.
Mönch ärgere dich nicht
Die Gänse von Bützow
Film by Walter Beck.
Martin Luther
Der Mann und sein Name
Based on a story by Anna Seghers.
The Prince Beyond the Seven Seas
The merchant's daughter Constanze, begs her father to ask a lion for a favor. Her father approaches the lion who agrees to his request with one condition: that he send the first person he meets upon his return home to the lion's den. It is Constanze. Against her father's will she goes to the lion and discovers that he is an enchanged prince and that only a woman's love can release him from the spell.
Your Unknown Brother
Dr. Stammberger
A communist is released from prison in 1935 Hamburg. He tries to link up with the Party again, but is unsure as to who he can trust, and has difficulty adjusting to life in Nazi Germany.
Familie Rechlin
Hannes Rechlin
Der ungebetene Gast
Little Alexander
May of 1945. Soviet soldiers conducting an operation to rescue the children in a small town in the territory of Germany.
Meines Vaters Straßenbahn
Levin's Mill
In a small village in West Prussia in the 1870s, Germans, Poles, Gypsies and Jews live together as neighbors. One night Johann, a German mill-owner, secretly opens the dam gates and floods the mill of his Jewish rival Levin. After his business is ruined and his calls for justice go unanswered, Levin leaves town.
The Lion Carpenter
The successful entertainment artist Ralf Keul must develop his land on the Baltic Sea or else ultimately give it up. Inexperienced yet courageous, he hurls himself into the undertaking, which spares him no unpleasantness. He battles over the transportation and procurement of materials, constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown, while his craftsmen offer little additional assistance.
Dangerous Games
1934, Germany. The ten-year-old Peter lives in a small town with his parents. His father, an underground Communist, is arrested. In the summer vacation the kids from the neighbourhood fight in two teams, which prevail in turns. One team, led by Ewald, imitates the Nazis, while the other, headed by Fritz, follows his Communist father's example.
Die Heimkehr des Joachim Ott
Die Schmuggler von Rajgrod
In 1903, Jan Anskath and his half-brother Martin are living in Rajgorod at the border between Russia and Prussia – Jan on the Russian, Martin on the Prussian side. Both are occasionally smuggling stuff over the border. But while Jan acts from political conviction and is smuggling illegal writings over the border, Martin is only interested in the money. That is why he does not question his shadowy client when he sneaks out refugees into Russia. But then it becomes evident that the distinguished gentleman has robbed the refugees from all of their belongings, only to turn them over to the authorities of the Czar.
Glück im Hinterhaus
Fred Mantek
Karl Erp is a middle-aged man with two children and a boring marriage. After starting an exciting affair with his intern, Miss Broder, he leaves his loveless marriage and moves in with his lover. Under pressure from Miss Broder’s mother, Karl once again promises marriage. He finds, however, that the excitement that drew him to her in the first place doesn’t carry over into their daily lives.
Dr. Palmer
Der Spiegel des großen Magus
The evil and powerful King Magus brutally subjugates the people of his kingdom. Anyone who does not want to submit is turned into an animal and locked in a cage. Magus kidnaps the girl Hanna, whom he wants to marry. But Hanna refuses, and her lover, the shepherd Elias, goes to the castle to free her. He learns from Magus' servant Pravos that a mirror gives the king magic power and immortality and that he can only be defeated by water from the Moon Lake. Elijah sets out on his journey to the Moon Lake. Will he withstand the dangers and finally achieve victory over the king? Wrid he be able to free Hanna and the whole kingdom?
The Thing in the Castle
A senior professor is kidnapped in the park by residents of a veterans home. Once there, he is asked to invent a "rejuvenating machine" to restore their youth.
Des Henkers Bruder
Anton the Magician
A flamboyant comedy about love, work and money—revealing that the "planned" economy produced some unconventional entrepreneurial methods.
...inklusive Totenschein
Josef Silberstein
The Singer
A story of Victor Jara - one of the most popular singers in Chile.
Der Weg ins Nichts
Beethoven – Tage aus einem Leben
Vienna, 1813-1819: Beethoven (played by Donatas Banionis) is at the peak of his fame. Orchestras all over the world play his music, but he lives modestly and is dependent upon private patrons. Nagged by his patronizing brothers, spied upon by officials for his republican beliefs and faced by his progressive hearing loss, the composer becomes more and more isolated. Seeman’s poetic film explores the joys, heartbreak and artistic spirit of the great composer as he works on his Ninth Symphony.
Till Eulenspiegel
In medieval Germany, poor and witty Till Eulenspiegel fools and cheats citizens, churchmen, and landlords. Although in most cases he uses his wit for personal well-being, he often helps the poor and weak. Eventually, he gains an influential but also dangerous position as royal fool at the court of the emperor.
Kit & Co.
Shunk Wilson
The adventures of Kit Bellew and his friend Shorty during the gold fever at the end of the 19th century.
The Elective Affinities
Eduard and Charlotte live an isolated and idyllic life together. But soon Eduard feels that something is missing and he invites his friend Otto to come stay. Charlotte, meanwhile, decides that her foster daughter Ottilie should come live with them. Complex and passionate relationships between the four people begin. Based on Goethe's novel of the same title.
Orpheus in the Underworld
This musical comedy based on an opera by Jacques Offenbach incorporates a twist on the classic Greek myth: Orpheus, a music teacher at a girls’ school in the ancient Greek city of Thebes, actually does not miss his wife Eurydice that much – until the gods and Offenbach himself pressure him to retrieve her from Hades.
Die Hosen des Ritters von Bredow
El último ataque de los apaches
Durante la guerra mexicana de 1846-1848, un grupo de exploradores estadounidenses descubre un yacimiento de metales preciosos en la reserva apache de Mimbreno. Deciden, por lo tanto, anexionarse el territorio a los Estados Unidos, exterminando para ello a todos los indios. Pero el joven guerrero Ulzana buscará venganza.
Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts
Screen adaptation of Eichendorff's famous novella. A penniless drifter roams the land with his violin and preferably sings his songs to beautiful women. Two of his female admirers get him employed as a gardener at a castle. Yet he doesn't settle down for long, and moves on to his next temporary job as a customs officer. Finally, he travels to Italy where he joins the gang of Rinaldo Rinaldini and eventually meets the love of his life.
At the beginning of the 19th century, white settlers regularly make and break treaties with the Native American inhabitants to gain possession of vast hunting grounds at ludicrously low prices without any bloodshed. Harrison, Governor of Indiana, has made and broke no less than fifteen such treaties, driving increasing numbers of Indians out to the infertile West. To put a stop to this criminal practice, the Shawnee Chief Tecumseh tries to unite the Native Americans.
Der Löwe Balthasar
Narrator (voice)
Das letzte Wort
Florida, 1830 - Of all eastern Native American tribes, only the Seminoles have resisted being moved to reservations. Having retreated to Florida, they live a simple horticultural life. But white plantation owners, angry at the increasing numbers of black slaves fleeing to Seminole protection, want to take their land. Plantation owner Raynes, in particular, has convinced the military to wipe out the Seminoles. His rival Moore, a sawmill owner from the North who has a Seminole wife, is against slavery and considers it unprofitable. Chief Osceola sees the coming danger; he tries to avoid provoking the whites, but cannot prevent the war that breaks out in 1835.
Artur Becker
In Sachen Adam und Eva
Anwalt Dr. Michaelis
Denn ich sah eine neue Erde
Fatal Error
At the end of the 19th century, the Wyoming Oil Company has established itself in the vicinity of Wind River City at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, where they have been illegally pumping oil from Native American territory. One of the company's greedy agents, Mike Allison, kicks out both his white partners and the Native Americans. He has his some of his associates secretly murdered and blames it on the Native Americans, who are then killed when they get in the way of his plans. Five chiefs with lifelong shares in the Oil Company die mysteriously as a result. The young chief Shave Head asks his a half-blooded brother Chris Howard for help.
Junge Frau von 1914
Dr. Lederer
Androklus und der Löwe
White Wolves
Josuah McGrave
Farsighted Falcon, chief of the Lakota, seeks refuge in the Black Hills with his wife Blue Hair and two warriors, sole survivors of their tribe. When they are attacked by the outlaw Bashan, Falcon strikes out for the town of Tanglewood to take on Bashan's boss, mining magnate Harrington.
Mohr und die Raben von London
London in 1856. Karl Marx is living in exile in the British capital. One day, "Mohr", as Marx is called by his friends, meets the 13-year old worker′s son Joe. The boy works every day for twelve hours in a spinning mill and even has to work night shifts although that violates current rules. Marx tries to end the illegal activities of the spinning mill owner and one night shows up at the mill together with an inspector. But his foray is undermined by a robbery by the rebellious raven gang that is led by Joe′s brother Billy. The spinning mill owner of course takes this chance to blame his young workers for the theft. But Marx is not let astray and does not stop to fight against child labour. Furthermore, he tries to get the members of the raven gang back on the straight and narrow – with success.
Die Pferdekur
Herr Schrei
Shots Under the Gallows
Sir Gluny
In Scotland in 1751, young David Balfour is shanghaied aboard a ship where he meets Jacobite rebel Alan Breck Stewart with whom he escapes to the Scottish Highlands, dodging the redcoats.
Geschichten jener Nacht
Four directors - four styles - four episodes, all relating the events of a single night which has entered the history books: August 12-13, 1961. There are thousands of complex narratives connected with the frontier drawn through the middle of Berlin, and each episode relates the story of a difficult decision made on that night...
When You’re Grown Up, Dear Adam
Adam receives a flashlight with special powers: every liar it shines on flies into the air. Production was cancelled in 1965/66 due to the film's political content. Only in 1989/90 could the director reconstruct the film, where missing sounds and images are replaced with script inserts.
Lot's Wife
Max Braun
The marriage of Katrin and Richard Lot has become a routine. She has a career and he, as a Marine officer, comes home only once every fourteen days. The children greet him with joy, but she greets him only with anxiety because their marriage is missing its key ingredient: love. She wants a divorce, but he refuses mainly out of comfort as well as due to pressure from the party. Katrin finds a strange solution: she shoplifts and is put on probation for three months. This is enough to force Richard into a divorce because he is concerned about the "moral liability" of his wife.
The Ancient Coin
History teacher and coin collector Karl Schneider wants to track down an ancient coin while on vacation in Bulgaria. When he meets a group of musicians, he finds out that their singer Jana Christova is wearing this coin around her neck. He falls in love with her, but the young love soon faces some unexpected troubles. His travel companion, the pop singer Theobald, accompanies the events with music.
Preludio 11
Palabra en clave: Preludio. Daniela, una madre soltera cuyo novio se fue a Estados Unidos, cree de todo corazón en el nuevo orden revolucionario de Cuba. Mientras tanto, en Florida, se está tramando un complot. Bajo el mando de un oficial estadounidense, 4 ex-patriotas cubanos y un guatemalteco en la costa cubana para preparar una invasión estadounidense.
Jetzt und in der Stunde meines Todes
Ella Conradi, a dedicated journalist from Germany, is in Jerusalem to report about the trial against the Nazi criminal Eichmann. Disgusted by the monstrosities that are revealed, she eventually returns to Germany. There, she wants to cover common cases and trials again. Her first assignment is a murder trial against a man called Ralf Jordan who constantly maintains his innocence. Conradi, who believes Jordan and wants to help him, starts to investigate the case - and thus opens up a political can of worms. The backgrounds of the case reach back to the Nazi period and involve officials of the Third Reich, who in the meantime have returned to their powerful positions.
Carl von Ossietzky
Alfred Apfel
The film chronicles the last ten years in the life of Nobel Peace Prize recipient Carl von Ossietzky (1889-1938).
For Eyes Only
The "Concordia" trading company in Würzburg is a secret headquarters of the MID, a secret service agency of the US Army. For years, espionage, sabotage, and diversion operations originated from here in order to undermine the Socialist Republic of Germany. A favorable moment for a military attack approaches and plans are developed. These plans are placed in the hands of Major Collins, who keeps them in a safe. Hansen has worked for him for many years, but also for the Stasi as a double agent. Security Chief Colonel Rock knows there is a leak, but Hansen has passed every test thrown at him. He is trying to deal with his current assignment: acquiring the plans so they can be made public. His mission is to get them out of the safe and into the GDR without getting caught.
Das russische Wunder
(English version narrator)
Desnudo entre lobos
Cuando un grupo de prisioneros es transferido al campo de concentración de Buchenwald, un niño judío de cuatro años aparece en el campo dentro de una maleta. Un grupo de prisioneros decide ocultar y proteger al niño... (FILMAFFINITY)
Carolin lives in the East and works in a West Berlin bar. After the building of the wall she tries to persuade Georg, a soldier of the border regiment, to let her cross over. He falls in love with her and defends her against a West German pimp with a punch to the jaw.
At a French Fireside
Bundeswehr soldier Klaus’ regiment is stationed in France, to take part in NATO maneuvers. The soldiers are ordered to be kind to the populace, since the West German High Command wishes the French to forget the atrocities that were committed during the Second World War. Klaus falls in love with Jeanne, the daughter of the local mayor. He discovers that his commanders intend to demolish the ruins of a local church, in which civilians were murdered by the German occupation forces at 1944. A local journalist who researches the event discovers that West German General Rucker ordered the massacre, but he is mysteriously murdered. Klaus defies his commanding officer Siebert, who instructs him to steal the documents indicting Rucker, and hands the evidence over to Jeanne.
Die Jagd nach dem Stiefel
Schuster Friedberg
Germany 1932, constant fights between Communists and Nazis tear the country apart. When a Communist is found dead, the police accuses another Communist being his murderer. But the Communist youth group follows another trail - the murderer left a characteristic boot print at the scene of the crime.
Entdeckung des Julian Böll
Die schwarze Galeere
Revue um Mitternacht
Jens Holle
Despite the fact that production manager Kruse doesn't have the actors or the crew for the job, he recklessly boasts that he could direct a revue film. To prevent him losing face, Kruse brings together four people - a dramaturg, a composer, a writer and an architect - and gives them the thankless task of turning his idea into a film. Except for the relatively unknown composer Alexander Ritter, who is enthusiastically committed to the project, the other members of the team find themselves stuck in this mess.
Wenn Du zu mir hältst
jüngerer ZK-Angehöriger
Tanz am Sonnabend-Mord?
Oberleutnant Schneider
A Saturday evening dance in the village pub is interrupted when the barn of local farmer Paul Gäbler catches on fire. The farmer himself is soon found – hanged. Sawmill owner Züllich claims that Gäbler committed suicide because he was forced to join an agricultural production cooperative, but others are convinced Gäbler was murdered. Officers Schneider and Anders must navigate their way through a complex maze of personal and political motivations in order to reconstruct the crime.
Das Kleid
Poor weavers Hans (Horst Drinda) und Kumpan (Werner Lierck) try to enter a town surrounded by a tall, impenetrable wall, where everyone is apparently very happy. When they finally make it inside, the tyrannical Emperor Max demands they make him new clothes that would "bring all creatures to their knees." Hans and Kumpan claim only intelligent people can see the robe, and in order to prove himself clever, the emperor haughtily displays himself before his subjects wearing his new invisible regalia.
Licht für Palermo
Palermo, pearl of the Mediterranean, is one of the most popular holiday resorts for European and American tourists. What they do not see, however, are the narrow lanes in the city centre, where thousands upon thousands crowd together in damp and dark holes. The fate of the children is especially moving. Only half of the children in Palermo go to school. Their life is nothing but work and misery. But when they grow up, unemployment awaits them.
Franz König (voice)
Spy film about a man with a face lift who gets recruited by western organisations.
Wo der Zug nicht lange hält
Film by Joachim Hasler.
The Punch Bowl
It is the 65th birthday of Wilhelm Lehmann, foreman of a chemical company. All members of the large family are expected. Preparations are also being made in the company: Wilhelm is to be awarded the »Labor banner« and, as every year, the sons are responsible for the may bowl. But instead of family members, telegrams with rejections flutter into the house.
A sociohistorical drama about the construction of the Simplon-tunnel: A conflict develops when German workers want to strike and fight for better working conditions while Italian workers simply want to earn money and provide for their families.
Der Prozeß wird vertagt
Die Feststellung
Exchange Rate 1:4
Narrator (voice)
Emilia Galotti
Conti, Maler
Jahrgang 21
Narrator (voice)
Film by Václav Gajer.
Skimeister von Morgen
Gejagt bis zum Morgen
Drama about an impoverished family, a widowed mother and her two sons, trying to get by.
french soldier
Railway employee Fritz Marr is not regarded well by his superiors. It is the year 1920, and trains regularly pass the railway hub of Erfurt to the East to secretly transport weapons for the fight against the young Soviet Union. Marr knows about this and wants to mobilise other workers to stop these illegal deliveries. To muzzle him, Marr is relocated to a remote rail work construction site.
Wo Du hin gehst...
Berlin, 1936. Athletes and visitors from all over the world have come to the city to take part in the Olympic Games. Anti-Fascists use the opportunity to tell the foreign guests about the situation in Germany by distributing leaflets. Being cornered by the Gestapo, the wounded resistance fighter Jakob manages to go into hiding with the help of the Swiss doctor Thea. They fall in love with each other and when Jakob joins the International Brigades in Spain to fight against Franco, Thea follows him and becomes a dedicated fighter against Fascism. The enduring battle, however, keeps preventing them from becoming a real couple.
Ick und die Berliner
Narrator (voice)
Bahrenburg Stories
A story about a group of children in German town of Bahrenburg who are trying to build themselves a swimming pool.
Vacation in Sylt
Vacation in Sylt is a black and white compilation film about Heinz Reinefarth, a Nazi Party member, high SS police leader of Warthe, and later mayor (1951-1964) of Westerland/Sylt.
Dozent Beseler
The authorities expect the case of Friedel Walter, alias "Dr. Mueller," to be a straightforward one: he was working as a doctor without proper credentials under a false name. But Mehlin, the man in charge of his case, knows that there is more to the story. When he was injured fleeing from a concentration camp, resistance worker Irene asked her medical student boyfriend Walter to give him medical care.
KgU - Task Force of Inhumanity
Narrator (voice)
Der Teufelskreis
Shortly after the seizure of power by Adolf Hitler at the beginning of 1933, preparations were underway to silence the members of the socialist and communist parties.
Ludwig van Beethoven
Documentary on the master composer, from a GDR point of view.