Alejandro Díaz San Vicente


Assistant Director
Arcelia takes care of her lifetime partner Lulu. Julian, a teenager exploring his identity, lives under the watch of his conservative mother. A sudden event will draw an unexpected path between the old couple and Julian.
Sacúdete Las Penas
Uno de los presos que tiene que pasar una larga temporada en la cárcel, González, dedica su tiempo a narrar las aventuras de Pepe Frituras, uno de los bailarines mexicanos más renombrados que perdió su libertad debido a una noche de fiesta. Precisamente por eso termina en una penitenciaría más peligrosa. Sin embargo, a través de historias que integran música y danzas, contará sobre sus hazañas y cómo terminó siendo el prisionero que logró la libertad a través de su imaginación.
A Six Dollar Cup of Coffee
Through the eyes of a Tseltal family, our story connects a cooperative in Chiapas, which struggles to market its coffee as a finished product outside of the conventional market, with the trend of specialty coffee, third-wave coffee shops and Seattle, United States. Understanding coffee as a way to protect their identity, their land and the right to live in better conditions, our characters seek to sell their product abroad while a plague, which destroys coffee plantations from South America unstoppable, could mean the destruction of coffee in the entire continent.